Yacht – 3.19.10

People seem to love Yacht. And don’t get me wrong, I think their music is good, and they put on a pretty good show when I saw them at Mess With Texas, but I don’t really get the obsession with the band.  People really go crazy for them.  Evidently there is some Tumblr meme involving hipster triangels that somehow came from Yacht’s use of triangles.  If anyone can explain that shit to me, I would love to know.  Tumblr is pretty damn confusing and often maddening but I actually sort of love it too. Follow me, duh.

Anyway, back to Yacht.  I saw the first 5 minutes of their set at Austin Carniville before I went to shoot Mariachi El Bronx at MWTX.  Right after El Bronx finished Yacht was playing again at MWTX.  Like they played two shows with maybe an hour break in between to move all their shit.  So I gotta hand it to them for that.  But yeah, fun band, pretty good music, pretty good live show.  I would check them out again for sure… but I really don’t get the obsession.

Explain it to me in the comments right after you look at the pictures of Yacht that I took at Mess With Texas at SXSW.

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