The Black Keys – 3.20.10

Continuing with my coverage of the SXSW party at Mohawk I bring you the Black Keys. I have to take a moment to admit here that I really had no idea who The Black Keys were.  I mean I have heard their name a million times but I had no idea what they sounded like or that people would be so ready to completely lose their shit over them.  I mean seriously, it was raining and 40 degrees out and when I got to the club an hour before it opened there was a line of 200 people waiting to get in.  Unlike me, they were not there to see Demolished Thoughts. It was honestly completely insane.  Mary Louise Parker was there to see them.  Broken Bells seemed more excited about the Black Keys than they did their set. People kept telling me all day how excited they were for it and when the whole thing was over people were talking about it like it was the greatest show they had ever seen. I have to say I thought they were pretty good, but people were like weeping.  It was a strange thing to see.

Click here to see the shots of The Black Keys at’s SXSW party.

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