Mad Happy – 2.18.10

I haven’t seen Mad Happy in years.  I used to book them shows all the time in Richmond, VA with the band I was managing, but after The Gaskets broke up I hadn’t heard much from them.  The other day I got their email blast and saw they were playing a show at Santo’s Party House with Bad Brilliance who I had been wanting to see.  The show started at 8 and I headed down there at 930 thinking I wouldn’t have missed much.  I ended up missing all the bands, BUT Mad Happy.  I was glad to see them but I was pretty bummed I had missed Bad Brilliance and some of the other people I met after the show including Tayisha Busay who look awesome.  After the show I went to get Chinese food with Bad Brilliance, two of his friends and Tessa from Tayisha Busay.  It was pretty awesome and there were dollar bills all over the walls.

Anyway, back to Mad Happy. Mad Happy are a couple who make super weird electronic rap music.  They wrote a musical about Armageddon that is playing in NYC soon and they tour constantly making friends with everyone everywhere.  In fact the first time I ever saw Girl Talk was in 2004 when Mad Happy invited the Gaskets to be part of an electronic music showcase in the basement of the Delancy.  There were only a handful of people there but all the acts were out of control.

This was the first time I have seen Mad Happy since they have added their third member, a six month old girl named Rinah who mostly acts as a roadie simply holding the mike cable for Rivka while she does her thing. It was pretty adorable and don’t worry, she was wearing ear plugs.

Lastly, I wanted to apologise for taking pretty awful pictures of them. A lot of this can be blamed on the smoke machines, bad stage lighting and unbounceable ceilings, but mostly I have just been off my game the last couple days. Still, there are a few nice shots in here somewhere.

Check out all the pictures of Mad Happy and some of the random goings on after the show by clicking here.







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