Circa Tonight

I got back to NYC late last night and I have several thousand images to upload and probably 8 galleries or so to get up. It’s going to take me forever but I am about to start editing right after this post. Hopefully I can have most of the Vegas/LA stuff up by early next week. In the mean time I wanna tell you guys about tonight. My first party back is going to be Circa at Darkroom. I missed it last week when I was gone but I heard it was crazy. We are opening both sides of the bar this week.  Each week it has been better and better and this week it should be off the hook. I think I am gonna send out a mass text… Sorry…

But yeah, come get wild with me, Prince Terrence & Carol Sharks.  I am sure there will be a guest DJ and there is an open Vodka Bar from 11-12. Get on that shit. Party forever.

And I’ll be back tonight with the first of many galleries from my visit West.


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Be Back Soon…

Hey, so I am in LA now after some crazy days in Vegas.  I had a pretty weird night last night s well.  The motel I am staying in has horrible internet and because I just got a new laptop I haven’t set it up to update my galleries from this computer anyway.  On top of that I have been pretty crazy busy.  Anyway, all of this is to say I am sorry, but I will be back to my old tricks soon.  I get back to NYC tomorrow night so you should expect the site rolling again by Thursday.  I have 5 galleries so far from the trip and hopefully I can get another one or two done today so the site should be pretty busy soon.

In the mean time, you can check out one of the galleries on the Village Voice who I am working for out here. It is of the AVN Awards red carpet. Ill repost it on my site when I get back, but at least it will give you something to look at in the mean time.  Also something to look at is one of the most amazing compilations of people hurting themselves I have ever seen.  I would want to watch it over and over again, but at 7 minutes it’s pretty hard to get through more than 10 or 20 times.  But watching someone fall into a grave and have a coffin crush them underneath while mourners scream in the background is one of the most epic things I have ever seen. Yeah well, you are fucked up too. Don’t judge me.


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Violet Monroe

This is Violet Monroe the amazing Burning Angel I hung out with on New Years… She also is a Gods Girl, but I didn’t know that until like two days ago, so for our purposes she is a Burning Angel and New Years was a Burning Angel party.  I was hanging out with her and Miss Genocide and Miss Genocides husband.  We went over to Beauty Bar and did a crazy photo shoot. For whatever reason some of the Miss Genocide shots were either not very good or just too graphic for this site.  I know you guys like the naked chicks, but I don’t have a lot of interest in spread eagle shots on my R, but not X rated site…  So this photo set is just labeled a Violet Monroe set, but with a guest appearance by the most awesome Miss Genocide.Check the Violet Monroe set by clicking here.PS. I am super busy today because I am in Las Vegas covering two conventions for the Village Voice.  A porn convention and a tech convention. Things will be slow until I get back Wednesday.






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Knee’s B’s

So the other day when Jess Versus offered to give people free DBB tattoos at Glamour Garage I was sort of annoyed that two of the people getting them couldn’t make it.  Since I was there anyway, and Jess was expecting to be tattooing for me, we decided it would be good if she tattooed something incredibly stupid on me.  We settled on this really dumb joke I came up with a while ago.  There is that expression, “You are the bee’s knees”, and for some reason I though the concept of my knee’s having bees on them would be really funny.  Trust me, I know it isn’t funny, but I sort of got that idea in my head.  I knew I would never actually get bumble bee’s tattooed on my knees, but then I saw this girl wearing a shirt with an uppercase B and a lower case b on it in Helvetica. Bb. And it reminded me of the alphabets that go around a class room when you are a little kid to teach you how to write the alphabet. So yeah, it all came together, and I thought it would be really funny just to have a Bb on my knee, and then when people asked me what the hell that was, I would be like “That’s my knee’s B’s”. Again, clearly I know this was a stupid idea for a tattoo, but now it is a just a stupid tattoo.  Ladies and gentlemen I present to you, my left knee:



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Nova’s DBB Tattoo

I recently talked my friend and tattoo artist Jess Versus to tattooing the Driven By Boredom logos on some of my friends. I had three people lined up to go yesterday but one had their car towed and one slept through her alarm after staying up all night. I was not very happy with this, but fortunately my friend and porn star Nova came to the rescue getting the DBB logo on her elbow in shiney pink and purple. Nova is of course awesome and you can see the mini NSFW set I did of her here and you can see her have sex with people for mere dollars a month on Anyway, because yesterday was kinda a bust Jess told me she would hook up some more DBB tattoos in the near future, so if you want one, let me know.

Check out a flickr gallery of Jess’s work here.  If you want her to tattoo you she works at Glamour Garage in Williamsburg. She is awesome.

And lastly, if you want to see more pictures of Nova’s DBB tattoo, and more pictures of other people with DBB tattoos, please click here.




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NYE 2010 Part 4: MSTRKRFT

I figured the most insane place to be on New Years was Webster Hall.  I was not mistaken.  When I got there I had just polished off my bottle of rum and I was having trouble explaining to the door people at Webster why they needed to let me in for free. Eventually I made it up stairs and went straight to my favorite bartender Kate.  I made a pretty wise decision at that point to switch to water and to try once again to get my shit together.  I made it on stage somehow and I had never seen anything like this.  I have seen MSTKRFT sell out Webster before and it is always madness, but I have never in my life seen so many people so close together dancing so hard. I took more photos of the swarming crowd than I did of MSTKRFT. At one point I pulled out my video camera and Alex English grabbed it from me.  He jumped into the crowd and started filming while crowd surfing. Unfortunately I think I was too drunk to hit record on the camera. I still haven’t looked to see for sure.

That’s when shit got awesome. I decided that I would jump into the crowd with my camera. This was a really dumb idea, but I was really drunk.  I at least had the presence of mind to give DJ RekLES my keys, wallet and phone before going in, but I don’t reccomend to anyone crowd surfing with $2000 worth of camera equipment. It was so packed that there was not much of a risk of being dropped up front, but as I got farther back in the crowd I did come crashing down. They caught me the first time and I went back up, but the second time I crushed a girl, but managed to save my camera. She was pissed but her friend helped me back up and then a bouncer reached across the crowd and pulled me back on stage. I really should have shot the band from the crowd, but I mostly only got shot of the people right below me. When I saw the pictures I was pretty disapointed to see it just looked like I was standing on stage taking the shots except for the occasional shot of my shoes in the frame.  It is pretty hard to compose a shot while drunken crowd surfing.  But at least I went for it right? If anyone finds any shots of me in the crowd, let me know.  I am sure someone took photos of it…

The best part about crowd surfing was that it sobered me enough to get my act together.  Before I went in I could barely stand, after I could almost complete full sentances. With the cold walk back to Lit I was pretty much managably sober by 5am.  After the visit to Beauty Bar and a little felid trip to Bushwick, I was pretty much just hung over when I got home at 10am, but I still couldn’t manage to get to sleep until 1pm.

It was a crazy fucking night and I had a blast at every place I went. I wish all 5 parties could have happened on different nights so I could have spent more than an hour or two at any of them.  There are so many other parties I missed that I wanted to hit up, especially some sick house parties.  If only we could end a decade every night of the week.  Happy 2010 guys. Let’s make the next decade as fun as this one.

Click here to see the photos from the late night New Years MSTRKFT show at Webster Hall.









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NYE 2010 Part 3: NC-17 W/ Burning Angels

By the time I walked from Darkroom to Lit the NYE Burning Angel take over of DJ Jazzy Jess’s weekly party NC-17 I was starting to sober up.  I managed to finish off my bottle of rum there, so by the time I left I was once again spinning, but I had about an hour where I actually knew how to work my camera. Not that the pictures are any better, but they are significantly more graphic.

This gallery is super Not Safe For Work. In the back room of Lit the Burning Angles did a VIP type of deal and everyone got naked. My boy Brian Street Team was in town from LA for the party and nobody gets me good photos like that dude. He is always causing trouble and always getting someone naked. That being said, if you don’t want to see his dick, you should be careful when looking at these pictures.  Most of the one involving him naked were just too grapic to post for a family oriented site like Driven By Boredom, but one of them was way too funny not to post. If you want to see more of these girls naked and more of Brian naked doing pornographic things to these girls you should sign up for

I think I was too drunk to shoot any good pictures of BA queen Joanna Angel but I did get a pretty funny one of her with NYC professional eating legend Crazy Legs Conti. I am a big pro eating fan as you might know and I drunkenly kept rambling at him about things I have eaten.  I probably should have just made more naked girls take pictures with him, cause that would have been way more fun for everyone.

After I went to Lit I ran over to see MSTRKFT DJ at Webster Hall and then I came back to Lit just in time for everyone to start heading home.  Fortunately I grabbed two Burning Angels and took them to Beauty Bar for after hours.  I shot them naked all over Beauty Bar and I will post that in a gallery later in the week, but if you look below, I posted a gallery from Beauty Bar.  I only shot a few photos of the party there so I decided not to do a separate post.

So yeah. Click here to see the very NSFW photos from NC-17 @ Lit and click here to see a handfull of pictures from Beauty Bar.  Fucking insanity.










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NYE 2010 Part 2: Circa @ Darkroom

I jumped in a cab at Europa and headed over the bridge into the city for the New Years Eve party that I was hosting at Darkroom. As you must know by now, every Thursday at Darkroom is Circa.  This should be your new favorite party. Prince Terrence and Carol Shark DJ every week and I take pictures of the madness.  NYE was no exception.  I was still pretty hammered at this point and the Vitamin Water bottle filled with rum got significantly less full on the cab ride over the bridge. Another mixed drink at the bar made for a very hazy 90 minutes. I completely deny this but some Quebecian girls that I met told a friend of mine that I was sitting on their laps at some point. Some girl called me an asshole outside and I was too drunk to explain that I really wasn’t making fun of her purse. I am pretty sure the party was pretty wild, but I am not sure I captured this. Two of my oldest friends on Earth showed up and one of them walked with me to Lit around 2, and I completely forgot about it until I saw the pictures.

If you want to see them, you should click right here.






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NYE 2010 Part 1: Famous Friends

It really pains me to put up these insane New Years Eve galleries on two of the lowest traffic days in the web year, but it is time to get it on.  I shot 5 parties and 900 pictures which will account for 6 or 7 galleries. It is going to be madness. Let’s get it on.

Let me start by saying that if you don’t know by now, I only drink twice a year. I drink on my birthday and New Years Eve, and let me tell you, I am an amateur drunk. I started off the night by doing shots of Brugal Dominican Rum because I live in a Domnican neighborhood and it seemed like the only choice.  Eventually some neighboors came over and helped me drink and then we poured half the bottle into a Vitamin Water bottle and headed over to Europa for the Famous Friends party.  Waiting in line to get IDd at Europa I was completely sober. I was telling Nick the Duke who was also in line that I had 5 shots, and generally I go from being stone sober, to completely wasted between 6 and 7 drinks.  I went inside and it was still open bar until 11 so I grabbed a rum and coke. Instantly I was out of my head drunk.

To me I can tell a big difference between my sober shooting and my drunk shooting. I am not sure if you will be able to notice, but all the pictures I shot from 11 until about 2 when I walked from Darkroom to Lit and sobered up a bit, are pretty drunken.  I spent a lot of my 2 hours at Europa sitting behind the DJ booth watching Trouble & Bass do their thing and trying not to fall over. My friend brought me water and I did my best to try and get it together. I was spinning.

I wanted to be there for midnight but I was aiming to be at Darkroom by 12:30 so I got out of there right after the balloon drop.  It was a pretty great party though, it’s too bad all this fun stuff had to all happen on the same time.  Also, shout out to the Mishka kids who sponsored the party.

Click here to see the pictures from the Famous Friends X Trouble & Bass X Party Like Us NYE party at Europa. 






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