Almost Fun Fun Fun In Austin – 11.6.09

So when I was in Austin last week people kept asking me if I was in town for Fun Fun Fun.  Fun Fun Fun is a big music fest in Austin that had a ton of bands I actually wanted to see, and I sort of hate seeing bands. Unfortunately it was on Saturday and Sunday and I had a wedding Saturday and I left on Sunday.  I did get a chance to enjoy the festivities a little bit. Beauty Bar Austin threw three after parties Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I guess Friday was more of a pre-party.  I saw that Totally Michael was playing, and I saw him at SXSW and that was really fun so I decided to check it out. When I got there he was on his last song so I got about three photos.  After that instead of shooting the party I just shot my friends and then a few random shots.  Nothing really exciting happened and it was over at 2 so it sort of flew by. There was an after party after that I ended up youtube Djing and some dude threw a girl on the ground in dramatic fashion but I have no photos of that. I got dragged to the worst after party I have ever been and I got stuck in the middle of nowhere. I ended up dropping $15 on a cab and ending back at my hotel at 6am with a wedding to go to. I also found out that this girl I know is super shady after her sisters boyfriend called me to yell at me for texting her after she told me to text her 10 times. Not sure exactly what happened, but it was super weird.  It was a pretty strange night in all. There are only 25 photos here, and most of them are pretty bad, but if I didn’t post SOME photos from Austin I would be doing everyone a disservice.  Actually, I have some photos of my old roommates band Shells and a super cute Gods Girl that will be up sooner or later, but these are the only party pics from ATX.  Click here to see them.




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