Black Tattoo Art Book Release – 9.10.09

My friend Marisa Kakoulas wrote released a 500 page tomb about blackwork tattoo art called Black Tattoo Art: Modern Expressions of the Tribal at Tattoo Culture in Williamsburg on Thursday night. I shot the event for Inked Magazine. I spent most of the evening talking about my knee, which is pretty much the only thing I am capable of talking about these days. It is pretty depressing. It is feeling a bit better and I got a really fun MRI today. Anyway, about the night… Marisa’s book is intense. It weights like 12 lbs. People were dropping them just to hear the noise they made. The affair was well attended and the first thing I have been to in a while where you could actually talk to people without having to yell over people. I also think I found someone to do more cheap Driven By Boredom tattoos, so if anyone wants a free one, let me know… I lost my old list of people who wanted them.

Anyway, check out Marisa’s site Needles & Sins and then check out the photos from her party.






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