Into The Light…

I got an email from my dad today about my website.  Now while I hate the idea that my dad reads this site (Dad, if you are reading this, please close your browser window and go back to work, my kids college education is not going to pay for itself.) his email brings up up something I wanted to talk about again.  His email was in reference to this post, where I was talking about how I wanted to shoot some day time photos and less night life stuff.  He told me he was glad to see me “moving into the light”.  I am not sure I want to exactly move into the light so to speak, but I do want to do more editorial and portrait work, so I just wanted to bring it up again.  If anyone has any ideas let me know. If any stylists or art directors or anyone wants to do some portfolio building stuff together let me know.  I just need a reason to leave my apartment before midnight.

Anyway, I think the primary point of this post is to show you a shot or two from the mini shoot I did with Teddy Blanks.  He needed a photo for his Electronic Press kit.  Clearly not the greatest photo shoot ever, as we shot it in less than 10 minutes due to time constraints, but I just wanted to show you guys something other than the standard party pics.  Enjoy.



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Comments (4)


  1. July 16th, 2009 | 11:28 am

    Im glad to see your rss is working again! And its only showing the blurb, so your gettin me to click through! lol. what was the problem if you don’t mind me asking?

  2. tenno
    July 16th, 2009 | 2:49 pm

    I think the first one is pretty good, not a fan of the pose he’s doing on the second, but as a whole it’s nice stuff.

  3. July 16th, 2009 | 5:04 pm

    @aaronI have no idea what was wrong and my web guy couldn’t figure it out either but he fixed something, so glad it is working a little bit.
    @tenno I think that pose he is doing in the 2nd is pretty indicative of him as a person. But glad you like them, it was just a quick little thing.

  4. Alan
    July 17th, 2009 | 10:58 pm

    Why don’t you use to get into contact with some stylist and make up artists to help you with your shot. I’m sure that some godsgirls would like to have photos of themselves dolled up on some rooftop.

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