Katie DiCicco’s Come Ovah Video Launch – 6.18.09

Do you guys ever hate it when you gallery software tries to ruin your life by deciding to rebuild itself for no apparent reason and you have to wait like 24 hours for 10 megs of photos to upload?  I know I do.  That is why this is a day late, and the n00dz I promised are being saved for Monday.  Although, if you are upset about said missing n00dz, don’t worry, because assuming that my gallery software functions as normal today I will have some naked people running around on stage from Webster Hall for you tonight.  It is currently 8:30 AM and I plan on sleeping by 10, being up by 5, into the city by 6 and back and working on the site by 8. I will then have 3 hours before the last Rated X ever.   Now that you know far too much information about my plans today, on to the party.

Katie DiCicco asked me to come cover the release of her new video at Santos Party House on Thursday. I think I only knew like four people there, but I made some friends fast.  The bulk of the party was a number of performances starting with some pretty intense dancers and then followed up by Katie and her team.  One of said team members was Jasmine Solano who I am quickly becoming pals with as I have now photographed her sing 4 times, although every time as a guest star with someone else.  I saw her twice at SXSW with Ninjasonik and then with Roxy Cottontail at Roxy’s birthday, and of course she killed it with Katie Thursday night.  I somehow took nearly 600 photos, including the girls getting ready backstage, crowd shots, the performance… and most excitingly product shots!

The party was sponsored by Ty-Ku saki and of all things, Listerine.  Of all the products I have shot, and I have done a lot of marketing gigs, the weirdest I have ever shot was Listerine’s whitening pen.  Not that it doesn’t make sense for a beautification on the go product to target pretty hip image conscious kids, but I just really got a kick out of shooting Katie’s back up dancers attempting to whiten their teeth before they went on.  Truthfully I liked shooting the Ty-Ku too because it glows in the dark.  Plus they told me they would send me a bottle and even though I don’t drink I can use it as a nightlight which will be fantastic for reading.

Anyway, this is a very ill conceived blog update, but you really should check Katie DiCicco out, and then click here to see the many photos from the evening.  As always, here are some of my favorites below.








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