David Carradine Dead

I am a huge David Carridine fan.  I have read his books, seen his movies and the only movie poster up in my house is for Deathrace 2000 which as far as I am concerned is one of the greatest films of all time. He is best known as Kain in Kung Fu, which I have never actually gotten that into.  I was introduce to him though his work on films such as Deathrace, Cannon Ball and the film Bound For Glory where he played a reasonably violent Woody Guthrie.  When he was tapped to play Bill in Kill Bill I could not have been more excited.  I thought he was fantastic, and his published diaries from working on that film are incredible.  It is one of the best books on behind the scenes film work I have ever read… and about 50% of the books I read are about film.

Carradine was found dead hanging in a hotel room in Bangkok today.  I cringed when I saw the news. I can’t imagine why he would have taken  his own life.  After reading his books, you get the idea he would not be the type of person to do something like that, especially with the late rebirth of his career.  According to IMDB he has 6 films in post production right now.  I hate to think of what might have happened to him or what could  have made him kill himself.

He was an amazing actor and will be dearly missed.  Enjoy these video clips below.  This will be my only post today in honor o his passing.




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Comments (3)


  1. JC
    June 4th, 2009 | 5:12 pm

    auto erotic asphyxiation 🙁

  2. June 4th, 2009 | 6:24 pm

    Apparently he pulled a Michael Hutchence. Shame that’s how his career has to end.

  3. vadim
    June 5th, 2009 | 12:55 pm

    I don’t know, I’ll take going out with a rope around my junk in a bangkok hotel room over cancer any day… Huzzah.

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