Hanging At The Glamour Garage

A while back I went to hang out with the kids at the Glamour Garage salon/tattoo parlor.  They did some DBB Tattoos for me so I came over and shot some photos of some of their super hot staff.  I was really happy with some of the natural light shots at the end of the gallery.  All and all it was just fun hanging out.  It is a cool place, I hope to shoot some more there at some point.  All these photos are totally safe for work by the way… Girls do occasionally keep their clothes on when I am around even if it doesn’t happen often.




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SheDiculous – 5.3.09

Since I didn’t go out this week I didn’t shoot anything for the Voice I posted a Tweet asking if anyone had anything for me to shoot last night.  My not-so-hetero friend Najva invited me to the Sugarland gay bar in Brooklyn for some fantastic drag queening from the band She-Dick.  They changed the words to Disney songs into songs about sex changes.  It was something else.  Jasper James played too and she was pretty awesome.  I was nearly dancing.  It was fun.  MTV was doing a True Life show about Polyamorous people so they were filming some people there.  It wasn’t super crowded but everyone was having fun… Plus everyone was dressed crazy so it made for good photos.

You can see all the photos here.






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Viral Video Weekend Update Part 2

So let’s continue with my half assed weekend posts. Here is part two to my viral video updates. I am actually going to go out tonight though so I might actually have pictures tomorrow. Being sick is a good excuse for not doing anything. So let’s begin:

The first video is a video I found a few months ago… It is for the ladies. It features helpful advice for meeting men. Did you know that 80% of men have suffered from shyness at one time? If you lie to them and pretend to like sports your vagina will be full of cocks in no time! Tap that gold mine!


Poor Adam West… he is broker than MC Hammer and has been forced to sell off some of his friend Batman’s stuff to pay the bills. I guess Family Guy isn’t paying him as much as you’d think… but then again, Arby’s Big Beef and Cheddar sandwiches don’t come cheap.

Lastly, I want to give a big “Fuck Yourself” to my least favorite human on Earth, Glenn Beck. I try not to watch his videos because I don’t want Fox News to make any advertising dollars on me, but luckily Gawker edited together some of Beck’s most insane moments so we can all laugh at his crazy ass together guilt free.


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Viral Video Weekend Update Part 1

In celebration of the H1N1 Swine Flu Virus and the fact that I am fucking still sick I am going to be posting viral video updates today and tomorrow. If you are any sort of a professional interneter you have probably seen these, but they have been in my bookmarks for a while and I want to clean it out providing you with entertainment and me with an easy update while I lay on my back coughing. I have had pants on for less than 2 hours in the last 48.

Let’s start with a Swine Flu related video. This thing is just screaming remix… And just remember, no one is too fast for Swine Flu!


Next we have the most uncomfortable thing I have ever seen. I am just completely embarrassed for everyone involved. Kyra Phillips, you are a joke. Congrats. Let’s never talk about Obama’s “swagga” (it’s like swagger, with a little more “flava”.) again. PS. Bill Clinton was nothing but “swagga”.


Lastly we have this video from an NYU student/rapper Nyle who redid Weezy’s song Let The Beat Build. The video done all in one long shot while they recorded the audio live. It is pretty amazing and it took them 30 takes. That being said the musicians in the video are all band camp nerds and the video comes of as an outtake from Fame. Still, fun to watch.

Nyle “Let The Beat Build” from Nyle on Vimeo.

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