HeartsRevolution – 3.20.09

I’ve been friends with Prince Terrence for a long time but I had never seen him drum. He has drummed for Young Love, Santigold and HeartsRevolution but I never caught him with any of them. Last year at Winter Music he introduced me to the Hearts kids and I have been trying to catch their set for a year and things kept coming up. It just never happened. Finally I got a chance to see them at the IHeartComix party. It was crazy fun and it was great finally get to see him drum. They were pretty early in the night and most people at the party were either waiting to get in, or waiting to get beer and they didn’t have a big crowd up front at first… but they really set the tempo for the crazy night that followed and by the end of their set people were loving it. They unfortunately had to miss the antics that followed in their wake because they had to play the Belvidere party and hour later, but they really got the party started right…

Check out all the shots here.

PS. HeartsRevolution also owns ice cream trucks. They got started writing music for their first truck. If you live in LA, Miami or New York you need to get some of their frosty wears this summer.






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