Put A Donk On It

So I have been down with the Donk for a minute now, but it seems like everyone from Vice to Ex-Vice is talking shit about Donk and I have got something to say. I like Donk. I am officially coming out as a pro-donk blogger. There aren’t many of us yet, but we will grow in numbers. All the pretentious assholes doing the smack talk are just lying to themselves.

If you haven’t heard about Donk yet, get hip to it. It is Southern Northern (Ed. note: woops!) English dance music where they take other electronic music and throw these bassy donks over top. Then they rap over it. Everyone and their mother is calling these dudes white trash and mocking the music, but frankly I hear much worse shit from a lot of the “top” DJ’s in the NYC dance scene. Frankly on top of the essential hilariousness of this shit, I legitimately like this music. I can’t seem to find a Blackout Crew album online, but like I just keep watching their shit on YouTube over and over again and I feel like we need to bring this to the US right away. There is also a pretty good VBS documentary about all of this which is probably what stirred up all the internet shit talking. You should watch it. This music has helped a lot of poor kids in England stay off the street and try to do productive shit with their lives, even if that shit involves a lot of sex and drugs. Them making music and doing meth is probably better than them just doing meth… right?

Anyway, this video has had four million views so far, so clearly someone likes this music. And while I have probably listened to it 2.5 million times over the last two months, that still leaves 1.5 million views unaccounted for. So, watch this video, it is life changing. And then let’s bring this shit here. Somebody put a fucking donk on it already. I’ll start making the t-shirts.


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Comments (3)


  1. February 25th, 2009 | 11:54 am

    “Death metal?”

    ‘Put a donk on it’


    ‘Put a donk on it’

    “My heart will go on”?

    ‘Put a donk on it’

    “I think I have HPV”

    ‘Put a donk on it’

  2. Noodle
    March 12th, 2009 | 10:32 am

    It’s Northern English, but nice article anyway Mister.

  3. March 12th, 2009 | 5:32 pm

    Thanks, i am an idiot.

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