Porn Stache

So okay, this is super weird. I am a really big fan of this site 23/ They are an off shoot of Huff Po. It is satirical political blog that I found because some comedians I used to see all the time did videos for it. Eugene Mirman does political coverage, John Benjamin does fake Swift Boat ads and John Glaser… well John Glaser is just a weird, weird man. They also have animated Get Your War On comics which are pretty mind blowing. Oh and Bobby Tisdale and Joe Mandy do videos too… Lots of East Village regulars…

Anyway after the election I sort of steered clear of politics in general. This week I drove from Richmond to DC and back listening to right wing talk radio the whole way for some reason so I am back into it a bit. I guess I need to give a fuck who the Secretary of Commerce is all of a sudden. I guess that is the price you pay when your team wins. I know who the back up left guard is for the Miami Dolphins, I guess I should be able to defend the questionable choice of retaining Robert Gates as Secretary Of Defense some how…

Okay, the point is I checked 23/6 for the first time in a few weeks and I was catching up on videos and I saw this video where you had to guess if a person was a pornstar or a Democrat based only on a close up picture of a mustache. I have to tell you I was not doing well. In fact I got everyone wrong until I noticed a specific mustache… “That’s Ron Jeremy!” I exclaimed to no one in particular. I was right, but when they pulled back and showed the full photo I realized why I recognized it. I took the photo! It was pretty amazing, although it is on his Wikipedia page, so I guess that is where they got it. They didn’t credit me though, and I was in a strangely litigious mood (I am in the process of taking someone to small claims court) and I emailed them to complain about this. They were very cool about it, apologized and added my credit to the video.

Now admittedly this blog is long and rambling, but we are finally getting to the pay off, the money shot as Mr. Jeremy might say. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you… Democrat Or Pornstar: Mustache Edition!


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Comments (2)


  1. CogInSystem
    December 7th, 2008 | 6:53 pm

    I definitely scored 100% and feel kinda proud, but now I’m not so sure I should.

  2. December 7th, 2008 | 9:45 pm

    maybe you are just really good at recognizing democrats

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