One More Day Of Celebration…

Today will probably be my last Barack Obama updates for a while. I could not be happier about this election, as you all should know by now. But the work is done. He won and after I donate some money to Martin in the Georgia senate run off I will take a break from politics. I don’t know what I am going to do with all that extra time, but now that he is in office, the only thing left to do is get on his case and make sure he fulfills his promises. We need a stronger economy, health care, and to get the fuck out of Iraq. I will be exciting to see what happens. If nothing else I can say that I am truly proud of this country for the first time in a long time. I feel like waving a flag.

This Onion video is way too real for me to handle, but I am sure if you have had any conversations with me over the last year, you are probably really glad that I am going to have to come up with something new to talk about for a while.

Plus my brother is in it at the 1:06 mark.

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Art Show!

I have three photos in this art show on Thursday… Or maybe only two photos. I haven’t decided yet. I have only really showed one photo in NYC so far, so this is a really big treat for you, obviously. And this thing is just for one night, so don’t miss it. You will regret it for the rest of your lives. All three of them have never been on this site and since it is a smutty sex drugs and rock and roll type art show all three of them are of naked people. Also as a bonus none of the people have ever been naked on my website before. So chances are you will get to see three new naked people never before seen if you show up. There will also probably be some other naked photos and stuff there. I know Sinead is bringing a few. Mine are better though, of course.

Seriously, please come, it would mean a lot to me. I will be a bit late, but start without me, I don’t mind.

Oh yeah, also, it is at Southside Speakeasy which is really near my house, so I can bring you all home after for some sweet sweet lovin’. So don’t miss out.


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Epic Win.

Barack Hussain Obama II, president elect. I am still in shock. And VA put him over the edge. I am nearly in tears. Here’s hoping he can live up to the hype. Fuck yes. It’s good to be an American today.

Clearly this is a mandate for socialism. I can’t wait till he swears in on the Koran.

In all serious, I am so proud that for the first time in my life time Virginia went blue.  I only put in a few days work, but I would like to think that some how I made some small difference.  I am going to remember the moment CNN called Virginia for Obama for the rest of my life.  Just a few minutes later the west coast polls closed and it was over.  Fucking amazing.

Click the photo for uncensored.



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Skip work. Wait in line.  Do not miss your opportunity to be part of history.  This will change the rest of your life and your kids lives.  Do not waste this moment.  I don’t care if you are a McCaininite in Manhattan or a Leftist in Provo, vote.  Just vote.

And if not for your future, and your children’s future… then do it because Jay Z tells you too.  He would know, he majored in political science at Harvard and worked in a policy think tank in Washington for 20 year… Oh wait, no, that was someone else…  Well, at least he has the hottest chick in the game wearing his chain… and that’s enough for me.


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Re-Re-Penetrator – 10.31.08

Halloween was not exactly as planned. I had some plans, but those plans sort of got rearranged when I was convinced to go to Santos’ Party House for Smack to take photos of the Burning Angel crew’s live recreation of the movie that started it all for them: Re-Penetrator.  Burning Angel wanted to do a halloween themed porn for their site several years ago so Joanna called her friend Doug Sakmann (who is constantly mentioned on this site) to make a horror porn remake of Re-Animator (and then later The XXXorsist). Unfortunately Burning Angel’s web host were none too excited about violent porn, so they shut the site down.  This gave the site a huge amount of publicity and moved Burning Angel into the big time, and started Doug on a new seedy porn directing side career.  You can read more about this here in my now ancient interview with Doug.

So this year for halloween they decided to  redo the movie… Live on stage.   Well sort of, this time there were pasties and underwear (well, until the end…), no actual sex (well maybe a little…) and a crowd of several hundred people watching and getting sprayed with fake blood.  Anyway, due to the weird lighting and horrible smoke machines, all the photos I took of the event sort of sucked.  I got some good ones when I shot without flash (I should have done that the whole time), but let’s just say mistakes were made, I am moderately embarrassed with the work, but the photos are sexy and bloody and maybe even bloody sexy so I am sure you guys will dig them anyway.  These photos are not safe for anyone.

Also, due to Smacks restrictive photo policy there are pretty much only photos of the BA crew and the actual Re-Penetrator Live.

All the photos are here.  Enjoy them, because I spent my entire halloween night taking them…





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