Random Blog

Due to some bullshit I am having some issues uploading photos to my site. It should be fixed some time tomorrow. So here is a nice random blog about a few things that have happened of late.

  • I blew up a hard drive with all my naked photos. I have a hard drive filled with n00ds that I have taken that are both for this site and for um… “personal use”. I have that drive both password protected and hidden so that if I lose my laptop or something no one puts these images online or something. And like I said it is hidden and not really accessible so I only get it once ever few weeks/months to update and stuff. Anyway it had been awhile and I couldn’t find the right power cord. I did find a cord to my video camera which fit the hole. Unfortunately it was not the right voltage and now my hard drive is completely fried. I could do some sort of recovery but I am not sure that I trust a computer tech not to steal any of my images and it is really expensive. I sort of feel like it is better not to have those images floating around anyway, so yeah, they might be gone forever. I guess we shall see.
  • This weekend I went to Hartford, CT to a hot dog restaurant/ Miami Dolphins sports bar to watch football. My friends Tall and Short Michelle work for the Dolphins and they went to the bar to do a video story on Woody’s the hot dog place and The Fish Tank the Phins sports bar. I went along to hold the camera, eat hot dogs, and watch football. The bar was amazing, the hot dogs were fantastic and the Dolphins embarrassed the Chargers. The Dolphins actually look like an NFL football team instead of Miami A&M. Evidently Woody’s is pretty famous for their hot dogs and I ate a Deputy Dog which was pulled pork, BBQ sauce and cheddar cheese. I also ordered a similar dog but I traded the cheese for cole slaw in traditional southern BBQ fashion. My pork/slaw dog was about the best thing I have ever tasted.
  • My Friday & Saturday nights were spent hanging out with two old Richmond friends who have recently moved to NYC. I took them out for fun times rock and roll. My friend Mara and I went to Webster Hall (Pictures coming soon) and Trash and I went to Lauren Flax birthday and Ellen Stagg’s party on Saturday with my friend Sally. I feel like something interesting happened, but maybe not. I did get threatened by some latino skinheads, but other than that a pretty slow weekend.
  • I have become obsessed with Economics since the recent downturn of the economy. I have been listening to NPR’s Planet Money podcast and reading everything I can about Sub Prime Mortgages, Naked Short Selling and supply side economics. I am actually quickly finding myself to be a socialist. And I think I may quit party blogging to become an economist. Maybe a rapping economist who gives shout outs to the FED and Henry Paulson. I thought of an album title “No Income, No Asses”. And if you get that joke, you are either an investment banker or as unreasonably obsessed with this Bailout as I am.
  • I saw a grown man, probably in his late 20’s, African American, seemingly educated and a reasonable person engaged in reasonable conversation with his friends.  Suddenly he saw a subway ad that had a picture of George Bush on it.  He walked up to it in full view of the mostly full train and Sharpied out his eyes, drew a mustache on his face and wrote “BIATCH” on his forehead and sat back down.  It was sort of amazing.  It was like the most beautiful subversive act of protest.  “Biatch”.  It says it all.

Okay, that is all for now.  Hopefully I will have two updates of photos up tomorrow and some other random stuff in the next few days.  I have the week after this off and if I don’t go out of town hopefully I will get a lot of work done on this site, but if I do go out of town I am sure I will have some good stuff too. Indeed.  See you soon.

Oh, here is a recent shot of my underwear.  I just figured I would give you something to look at while you wait for new photos of sexy ladies.


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Comments (4)


  1. intropants
    October 7th, 2008 | 7:42 am

    socialist? like where you can be smarter and work harder then your retard neighbor and still make the same amount of money? like where you have a great idea for a product or service and it automatically belongs to the government? No gracias

  2. Alfala
    October 7th, 2008 | 10:10 pm

    webbed toes

  3. Bizzy
    October 7th, 2008 | 10:34 pm

    ha … am/ was (lol) a banker – LOVING the NINA!! row row row your bank, gently down to hell, merrily merrily merrily merril ly..nch, life is but a dream.

  4. October 7th, 2008 | 10:56 pm

    1. i just think we need stronger regulation an higher taxes
    2. i do not have web toes
    3. big up to the FED, yo

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