M – 6.16.08

Hey now. Darkroom was super fun last night. I ran into a bunch of people I was happy to see. I ran around working on my fourth of July project. This is totally important somehow, but I am not sure exactly how. I feel like something really funny happened that I could tell you all about but I have lost all memory of the last 24 hours. I had a stressful day at work. This thug dude tried to threaten me into buying candy for his imaginary basketball team. Two days earlier he was harassing my coworkers saying he was collecting money for a group home. He just got in my face and wouldn’t let me walk forward. When I told him no he said “Don’t make me do what I want to do” all threateningly. What I wanted to say was “Oh, You are a gangster? You are a grown ass man forcing tourists in midtown to buy candy”, but what I actually said was “go do it to someone else”. He seemed slightly taken back by that which is when he mentioned the basketball team and suggested I make a donation. I just walked off and into work and saw him starting to hassle some old Asian man. Then I got to work and my ipod had randomly deleted all the music on it. Then there was some other shit, and I spent most of the day just wanting to get into a fight. Anyway, I downloaded an Elvis CD on iTunes and calmed myself down.

I think I just need some sleep. Just look at the photos from last night, for some reason everyone is kissing in it. I actually kissed my friend Jody and her friend for photos. I am breaking my own rule against posting photos of me making out (it is bad for business) because I think they are really cute. I wasn’t really making out anyway. Okay. Go die.





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