I Got A Job

After months of half-assedly looking for jobs and eating nothing but peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and dwindling down my savings to nothing, I finally got a job.  Unfortunately I was looking for part time and despite my promising interview at Starbucks, I decided to take a full time job at the Internet Archive.  I am going to be photographing public domain books the archive.  I get to play with Cannon 5Ds everyday… sort of.  Well okay, I just press a space bar and the cameras shoot the book automatically, but it has more to do with photography than bar backing or something.  I was very interested in this job for two main reasons.  One is that it is from 3pm – 11-pm which means I can still do night life work and two is that I am extremely interested in sharing of information and getting all the public domain stuff available to everything.  As you might know, I have released many of my photos under a Creative Commons license, so that you can use some of my images for anything you want as long as credit is given and that your work is also released under a similar license.  The license for some of my images aslo state that they can only be used for non-commercial projects.  For more information on licensing any of my work, email me. Also another nice thing about the job is that it is right across the street from MOMA.  Plus you know, maybe I can start eating real food and buy some new camera equipment.

So the answer is yes, this is going to effect this site.  I start work Monday and I am going to try to maintain two posts a day instead of my normal goal of 3-4.  One thing this will do is cut down on some of my bullshit posts and allow me just to focus on photography and quality updates.  I have some good ideas in the works.  I am not sure how this is going to effect that new site design I am trying to work on.  I think the biggest issue with that is actually the health of my friend who is working on it.  She has diabetes and has been very sick recently.  Wish her luck and health.

Anyway, let’s see how this goes.  I am still on website break until Monday, but I start work Monday so who knows if I will be able to make it out on Monday night.  Hopefully party photos start rolling in again soon….

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Comments (6)


  1. alfalfa
    May 9th, 2008 | 9:55 pm

    i clicked on internet archive and I thought it was one of those spam website for a minute hehe sorry igor

  2. May 9th, 2008 | 11:52 pm

    Congratulations babe!

  3. May 10th, 2008 | 2:53 am

    not quite spam…

    thanks dear…

  4. May 10th, 2008 | 3:43 pm


  5. May 11th, 2008 | 10:46 pm

    there is a really good middle eastern stand on the south west corner of 52nd and 6th!

  6. May 12th, 2008 | 12:49 am

    no joke nicky
    every time i go to moma i stop there

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