Want A Link?

I am trying to be productive putting together a large list of links for Drivenbyboredom.com
I will link you if you fulfill one of the following:

  1.  Link me back
  2.  Have a site that doesn’t make sense to link me back, but you are a close friend of mine or are in a band i really like.

I am not linking myspace pages, live journals or things that are not actual websites.  (blogspot and similar blog sites are acceptable)

If your friends have blogs/sites let them know.  The links probably will not generate a lot of traffic, but DBB has a reasonably strong google ranking and will help raise your google and technorati rankings etc… Your links will do the same to help this site. Good trade, fun useful list of links.  Good.

If you want a link, post it in the comments section after you ad DBB or just email me at igor@drivenbyboredom.com.


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Long Fantastically Pointless Rant Followed By A Pointlessly Fantastic Video At The End

WARNING: This post is long winded, personal, and of no interest to anyone who is not obsessed with me. Please skip to the video at the end unless you really enjoy me ranting about my life. That being said, the video at the end is amazing. Now back to your regularly scheduled post:

Seriously, there is nothing really much to say about this video. I am pretty speechless… or maybe not:

I will say that I see videos on the internet all the time that really inspire me to waste huge amount of my time doing something ultimately meaningless, but amazing none the less. It sort of makes me think that I lack creativity. I wish I could me more inspired more often. Every since I got back from Texas, and especially since I got back from Florida I have been increasingly less motivated. I didn’t get out of bed all day yesterday. I think it is partly due to the fact that I had so much fun partying for a living that it is really horrifying to come back to no job and tons of shit to do and instead dealing with it I just sit in my house. Not that this is really any of your business, but I am always pretty open on this site. I recently went of anti-depressants for the first time in over a decade. Now, I don’t think I am any more depressed than I have been, but I have been very unmotivated and tired and stressed out. I am not sure if I should go back on them or not. Who knows? I have a lot of ideas in mind for this site, and things I want to accomplish in my life and none of them are getting done. I think I am just really stressed about not having a job for so long and finally having to get one. I know I keep saying that, but it is very hard to find a job that will allow me to keep doing my site and keep going out of town to shoot parties I actually get paid real money for. I want to make a living at this, and I have been for the past 6 months, but I have been steadily losing money and I am about to go into my savings account to pay for broken cameras and then I will be pretty much cashed out assuming I don’t get a job at Cochella or some big event soon.

Now I know I have been ranting and complaining about shit which I hate to do on this site. People don’t like to read it, and it turns them off to my site. It also makes me feel like this site is nothing more than a live journal or something, but it is reasonably therapeutic. I saw that video, and I keep thinking about motivation. Those kids had the motivation and desire to make the below amazing video despite what a complete and total waste of time it was. I had motivation when I managed the Gaskets, and I had motivation to do this site, but sometimes I just feel like I am just shitting out posts just so I can say I did my work for today. I think I should be working on a few great posts and have a separate page for the photos. Or something. I decided I wanted to do many posts a day because I thought that it would be easier than doing three big posts a week, and it is… but the problem is when I do a lot of posts, the really good ones are gone in a few days… and people don’t comment on posts and there is no discussion. I need to do something about that somehow…

Anyway, my last mention in this rant was about the Wire. I finished the series last night. It may be one of my favorite shows of all time. The last season was all about journalism, and it just made me really wish I shot photos for a newspaper. I wish I did documentary work. I got in photography to document the DC punk scene. I became a band photographer from that. I tried to document the drug culture I was around in high school because I loved photographers like Larry Clark and I was around this stuff, but photographing people doing extacy and smoking weed is not quite as visual as people shooting meth. So I just stuck to the band stuff until I got bored with that and just started shooting portraits of my friends… and of course naked people for sport. I never really considered myself an artist, and I never wanted to be. I don’t want to say anything about my work, I just wanted to capture what is around me. I wanted to shoot my friends because that’s what I was around. I shoot parties, cause I go to parties. But now I think, maybe I am just going to parties to take photos because I have this site. I am okay with that, I still have a lot of fun, and my work has gotten much better… but what now? I guess the point is I really regret not doing real documentary work. I mean, I can view this site as an account of down town NYC in the mid 2000’s, but I just wish I was out there telling a story and showing people something they can’t see on 10 different websites. I need to take inspiration from people like VBS and the Magnum photographers that I dreamed of being. Even when I just shot band I always dreamed of winning a Pulitzer, not shooting the cover of Rolling Stone. I just feel I have wasted a lot of time doing bullshit photography and I am not sure what I can do about it at this point. I guess I am just going to have to find some way to tell some story some how and get inspired by something.

And now that I wrote it all down maybe I will actually do it. These guys below did.

http://view.break.com/487616 – Watch more free videos

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Jessie Lee Is Back

The first time I posted about Jessie Lee I mentioned that I thought she was going to be a star.  Well she has now done a bunch  of hardcore scenes for Burning Angel and shot a film for Playboy/Spice called “Joanna Angel’s Totally Screwed Out Of A Shower” which some of it had to be cut because she didn’t ask to be choked first.  I was not sure exactly how that works so I called the director.  Evidently the thing is if a girl asks to be choked, you can choke her, but if she doesn’t ask, even if she is into it like Jessie is, it is some how sexist and demeaning to women.  So she gets choked 4 times, but one time she doesn’t ask so it had to go.  Also Spice objected to a scene wher Joanna teaches her how to use a douche which sounded hilarious.

You can look for Jessie in the soon to be classic art films “Fuck Me In The Bathroom 2”, “Cum On My Tattoo 4” and the epic “Big Boobs Are Cool 2”.   This is celluloid at its finest folks.

Anyway, I shot Jessie on a couch at the 40c night club while about 30 party goers stood around watching.  Probably the highlight of the party…  Check out the naked photos here.  And if you want more Jessie make sure you check out BurningAngel.com!




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Poultrygeist: Night Of The Chicken Dead!!

So I am a die hard Troma fan.  At least I was until they didn’t put out a single in house in the last 6 years.  (Note: Tales From The Crapper does not count).  In those 6 years I think I have matured a bit.  I am not sure that I enjoy decapitations and gratuitous nudity and projectile excretions as much as I once did.  These days I am mostly into musicals.  Luckily for me the new Troma film combines both my love of musicals and my former love of extreme sex and violence.  If you have ever enjoyed at Troma film, you should see this movie.  For those not familiar with Troma, you have been warned.  This film is not for everyone.  Lloyd Kaufman is a hero of mine, and he directed this zombie/Indian/chicken masterpiece.  The film is racist, sexist and homophobic while at the same time fighting for these same issues.  If you did not think this to be possible, I suggest you watch a Troma film. Troma’s War made light of AIDS while shining a light on the AIDS situation in America.  Citizen Toxie lampooned school shootings in what might have been considered “too soon” by most.  Troma is a independent (for 34 years!) studio fighting for the little guy while making fun of all the little guys in their way… the big guys too.  Troma constantly goes after corporate greed and corruption in film, government and the world.  This film specifically deals with how the fast food industry is turning us into zombies.. and in this film it is quite literal.  Seriously, everyone becomes Indian zombie chickens.  And they sing and dance, and show a lot of tits and girls making out and explosive diarrhea. Don’t have any idea what the hell I am talking about?  Just watch the trailer.

And here is a quote for the DVD box:  “Pultrygiest is by far my favorite Indian Zombie Chicken Musical by an independent studio so far this year… I would go so far as to put it in my top 10 Indian Zombie Chicken Musicals of all time!”

Um… This trailer is extremely not safe for work.  The movie opens May 9th in New York.

PS. NEVER build a chicken restaurant on an Indian burial ground.


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State Reunion Show!

So I just got an email from someone over at UCB and they told me that last month the State did a reunion show at UCB Theater in LA. If anyone is not aware of who the State are, please get educated. The State was a sketch comedy show in MTV in the early 90’s. It was probably the best show on TV at the time. Many of the State have gone on to amazing things. David Wain directed Wet Hot American Summer which was co written my Michael Showalter. The movie also starred Michael Ian Black who is that dude from the Sierra Mist commercials (not to mention many other things). The three of them also make up Stella which is a stand up comedy trio who also do amazing sketch videos and then had their own show on Comedy Central that was far too weird for any mass audience to enjoy. I don’t know who gave them a show in the first place, but I appreciate it. The other very successful branch off the State was Thomas Lennon and Robert Ben Garant who along with Mr. Ian Black and the extremely sexxy Kerri Kenney started a variety show on Comedy Central called Viva Variety which while short lived was one of the most brilliant things I have ever seen on TV. The same group, minus Michael Ian Black then went on to do Reno 911 which has been the most successful State alumni project to date. Lennon and Garant also write and do touch ups for consistently horrible comedies such as Balls Of Fury, The Pacifier, Herbie Fully Loaded and Taxi! The other members of the State show up in things, mostly other State related projects from time to time, with Joe Lo Truglio getting the most work. He starred in the amazing web TV show Horrible People which just ended its first season today. Every member of the State was also in Wain’s film “The Ten” which came out last year.

Anyway, the first section from their LA reunion is below, and they will be releasing a new sketch here every Monday for the next few weeks.

State reunion better come to NYC… and MTV better finally release the State on DVD. The wait is killing me. You can see some episodes on iTunes in the meanwhile.

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Triple Play Breakdown

So anyone who knows anything knows that this commercial is the greatest ever made. I have blogged about it at least twice, and now we can make it thrice. So my friend Sarah 2.0 IMed me today telling me how much she hates this commercial, so much that she blogged about it in a NEGATIVE way. This is completely contrary to what she should be doing. Luckily it was only a myspace blog so it doesn’t count… but I am going to still take the time to attack her arguments. Start out by reading her blog and watching the video.

She breaks the video down by seconds. I have posted said video below so you can compare. Hit the play button on the control panel and not on the video because it is fucked up for some reason and will try to tell you that it is no longer available.

Her comments in italics.

.05: The cannon shoots through the wall and the wall falls towards the blast
The thing is, the cannon knocks over the wall when it hits the front wall of the house. You see it has already gone through the back wall and at this point it does not have enough speed to rip through the front wall, but it does have enough to push the wall over, knocking all the walls down in the process. Duh.

.14: GROSS pirate teeth!
Just because they are gross doesn’t make them any less piratey and if I have learned anything from the internets is that pirates are cool.

.22: Ok the mermaid costumes are kinda cool, but I wish they flipped their tails only on the 4’s
That is just bullshit. The costumes are amazing of course, but you need that extra flip. It ties the whole scene together. That is like having the Godfather baptism scene without the baptism.

.24: She’s watching the ocean via her digital cable internet? Is that whats going on? I’m sure they didn’t do that on Bay Watch.
Um.. Bay Watch was FICTIONAL. It was a made up TV show. Real life guards use the extreme value that is the Optimum Triple Play so they can both watch their swimmers with greater efficiency AND watch Bay Watch AND use the telephone if they so desire. Each for just one flat rate of $29.95.

.36: Pelvic thrust…and in those outfits. Who choreographed this shit?

It is clearly an homage to one of Bob Fosse’s most famous numbers, “Steam Heat” from The Pajama Game. And you’d think a dance major on a full scholarship would know that…

.40: Who lays out NOT facing the beach? and the conk shell has a cord coming from under a beach towel, obviously not connected to some digital cables.
Sarah clearly does not know shit about the way conch phones work. And also, while it might be confusing from the commercial anyone who knows anything knows that they are filming at the famous Optimum Beach which has a isthmus that jets out between the ocean where there is beach on both sides. So while they are facing away from the beach in the shot, they are facing towards the beach that the camera is shooting from. According the the productions notes which I was lent for the purpose of this article, the camera was actually positioned from a sand bar.

.43 Ship-less pirates on the run.
Seriously… are you fucking mental? A HUGE pirate ship can not pull up to the beach. They set anchor and are now doing their best raping and pillaging on foot. They also happen to be running away from the sea monster who capsized their attack row boats.

.47: Sweet Christ what is that dragon doing? My friend Daniel Feld thinks he’s kinda hot, but what the hell is going on with the pirate in the background? He’s just holding the tail and swinging a sword around. WTF?!
Um… it’s called rapping. Look it up. And the pirate in the background is dealing with the force of the tail that is nearly whipping him about. That “dragon” is clearly a sea monster and he has amazing tail strength and if that pirate wasn’t holding on for dear life he would be certainly bashed against something with it. Either that or he is dancing.

Its pretty down hill from here.
And by down hill do you mean informative? How else would you know that the savings are for real? And that the triple play is the deal? Also.. we needed to see the logo once more in order to gain brand recognition. It’s called marketing dumb ass.

So, in conclusion: best commercial ever. And Sarah is fired from my life. And Reggaeton should be used to sell EVERYTHING. Case dismissed.

UPDATE: Read Sarah’s dimly worded response here.  I do have to thank her for catching some typos like the Fosse misspelling and the correct price.  That being said, “internets” is not a typo, it is a way of life.


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Christian’s Lunch

My fiend Christian launched a new website for his art yesterday. My friend Teddy helped him design it. I am sure I cannot possibly understand his art or what it all means, but I find this pretty brilliant and anyone who can justify honking their horn and screaming “CNN MOTHERFUCKERS!” at people as art has my vote. Plus we used to be in a fake ’79 style rap group called the Party Rock 3 so I had to represent. Check that shit out.

Fox 5 from Christian Schultz on Vimeo.

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Trash – 4.11.08

Trash was sort of chaotic last night.  It was 4 of my friends birthdays so that was something.  I was in one of those weird moods where I end up making out with like 10 people or something.  Maybe it wasn’t that bad.  I really like the new venue for Trash.  It is not the same as Rififi but it is pretty great.  The photo booth shots I took last week will be up Monday.  I am not sure what is going to happen to all the video footage, but hopefully you will see some of that soon.  I took some good photos last night, most of them seem a bit dark, but whatever.  There is like some mildly scandalous stuff in here so we have to give this a NSFW rating.  Indeed.  You can see all the debauchery here.






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Frank Gotti’s Birthday?

Forget half of Justice DJing tonight… who is going to this with me?  This is where the party is at… Girls! Get your game tight!  Hot body contest wins a date with Frank Gotti!  Plus highest blow out wins a date with Fran Drescher!


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