Trash – 2.22.08

I was sitting in my room, working on this site, when I realized it was nearly 2 AM.  I jumped up and got on the Train and made it to Trash just after two.  For some reason everyone just left around 3, so I did for a second, and then I came back.  When I came back I suddenly had a bunch of friends there, including Sarah 2.0 who’s birthday it was so I bought her a crepe for her birthday and we hung out with a large bearded man who paid for my cab ride home and was a pretty awesome dude.  He also is a big fan of the artichoke crepe, which is my personal favorite.  Anyway, none of this is the point.  I don’t know what the point is, but if you figure it out… let me know.  I gotta go see Be Kind Rewind now, I’ll let you know how it is.

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