Bus Riding

So I originally thought I was going to be gone from NYC on just Friday and Saturday. I figured I would have been back by Sunday night. Somehow I ended up being out of town for a full week. I missed 7 nights of parties and dancing and girls and fun. I replaced it with several days hanging out in Richmond, VA and then three days sitting at my parents house doing NOTHING. I have no idea what I was thinking. Part of it has to do with their HBO On Demand and season 5 of The Wire, but Jesus… I did nothing. I was so unproductive, I just slept and sat on my ass and ate. I have almost no friends in DC anymore and absolutely nothing to do when I am there. If anyone wants to introduce my to some people in DC… girls maybe… that would be amazing. I can’t take being that bored.

Anyway, I am on the way back now. Yes, I am on the bus. I take the DC2NY bus. It has wireless internet, plays movies, and makes no stops from DC two New York and it is only 22 dollars or $40 round trip. You pay more than that in just tolls if you drove. That is China bus prices, and I have yet to see one chicken on the bus, they have air conditioning and everyone speaks English. Truly amazing.

Anyway, I wanted to make a video of me using internets on a bus, because I think it is just another example of how we are living in the future. It is both fantastic and horrifying. Anyway, I tried to film myself with the trees in the background, but because the web camera on my computer cannot handle lighting my face and the background at the same time either you could see trees or you could see my face, but not both. Long story short, I was trying this while listening to music and Tyler Fedchuk’s 1/2 Alive Baltimore Remix of Frankie Valli’s Can’t Take My Eyes Off You came on and I was just outside of Baltimore so I figured it would be appropriate music somehow.

This video is just weird and you probably do not actually want to watch it, but I am bored and reading on the bus makes me sick so I did this instead. This whole post was totally pointless. Sorry. Back to business tomorrow.

Frankie Valli – Can’t Take My Eyes Off You Lyrics

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Comments (2)


  1. niko
    February 24th, 2008 | 10:19 pm

    really sexy.

  2. Raechel
    March 18th, 2008 | 2:23 pm

    your mustache is creepy but this video is amazing.

    made my day.

    i miss you.


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