Horrifying Animals

This frog is probably the scariest thing that ever existed.  I am so fucking thankful that this thing died off millions of years ago.  I am also glad that I read about it today and not yesterday because I spent last night sleeping in my friends daughters room who is like 4 years old and completely obsessed with frogs.  Her whole bedroom is green and it is like 7′ x 7′ and filled with probably 150 different representations of frogs, the very animal of which I am now terrified.  All fear Beelzebufo, the Devil Toad!


Secondly, I am sort of obsessed with the National Geographic YouTube channel… at least I was until I saw this video of giant cows.  These things are ungodly mutations of meat.  You could get roughly 50 million hamburgers out of each one.  Darwin is rolling over in his grave.  He created this one ton cow.  They fucking shave the cows so they look sexier.  I cannot think of a Pumping Iron joke to go here, but I am positive there is one.


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Comments (2)


  1. vadim
    February 19th, 2008 | 1:15 pm

    I think I’m going to name my first born child Sperm Machine, it just seems right.

  2. an
    February 24th, 2008 | 4:28 am

    That is a pixie/pacman frog and it still exists.

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