How To Cheat

I was browsing Boing Boing today and I came across this page that linked a number YouTube videos that featured little kids teaching other little kids how to cheat.  They are pretty friggin’ adorable.  There are some pretty good tricks, but no one talked about this trick that I came up with when I was in the seventh or eighth grade to cheat on Spanish tests.  I did reasonably well in school except in Spanish.  I just could not speak a fucking word of it, and I still can’t.  Now that I live in a Dominican neighborhood I wish I learned a little bit more, but I was pretty much doomed from the start.   What I want to know is did anyone else every do this rubber band trick?  I came up with it, but I am sure someone else much have come up with it to.  It is pretty brilliant.  Check out my instructional video below.

PS. This post is dedicated to Bill Belichick and the New England Patriots… The biggest cheaters in the NFL… Go Giants!


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Comments (6)


  1. felipa
    February 4th, 2008 | 3:03 pm

    Que pena que nunca sabras lo que te perdiste por no haber tomado un poco de tiempo para aprender este idioma. Te perdiste de tanto que no podras conocer y que te habria hecho mas interesante como ser humano.
    …y si encuentras a alguien que te puede traducir este mensaje, te aconsejo que le des las gracias por habertelo traducido porque es mucho mas inteligente que tu.

  2. February 4th, 2008 | 3:46 pm

    heh… i still speak a little bit of spanish…

  3. Fly Guy
    May 25th, 2008 | 9:35 am

    Okay i got 2 sweet techniques:

    1) Go to Wall-Mart Buy printable stickers, right all u’r stuff in word, small font, and print it on the stickers, lots of information.
    Come with short pants and put the sticker under it so when you fold it, you can do a quick lookup.. it’s easy, effective, it’s also under the table so no one can see it 🙂

    2) This is crazy, takes time, but it worth it!!
    Warning: Will work for exams will lots of information like History and so and will only work in winter (unless you wanna look like a fool, and sweat like a pig :)).
    Using your computer and a microphone, record the anwers to all the questions you need, the long and hard ones, the ones with all the juicy-hard-to-remember details.
    After that.. slow down the voice using any simple audio editor (microsoft has one too, but it sucks), you need to slow it enough so you can write will you play it (even take some breaks when you record).
    Finally, convert it to Mp3, load it into your favorite mp3-player ( back then i used to have Diamond RIO 64M).
    On the day of the exam, come with a long sleeves shirt, put your mp3-player in one of your pockets and the headphones throught the shirt.. until it reaches your hand, put a small rubber band around it so it wont glich.
    That’s it, when the exam begins, all you need to do is lean on your hand, and hit play, and write down everything 🙂

    Simple & Effective.

    All Right reserved to FullThrottle (C) 🙂

  4. tara
    October 14th, 2011 | 8:19 am

    give your time in studying not in cheating

  5. October 17th, 2011 | 2:42 pm

    You do understand that cheating takes very little time right? That’s the whole point.

  6. May 3rd, 2014 | 4:56 am

    ok i know cheating is good, but the thing is that cheating would not always work,you know?
    for example, some teachers would sneak to your back and look your test and if they know you are cheating
    you gonna die soon………… -_-” so cheating has something good about it and something bad about it.

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