
So M at Darkroom happened again last night. I still don’t have a working computer so I can’t put up photos. Evidently I have to reinstall my OS from another computer. I tried my friend Johanna’s and it was too old. I tried my friend Adam’s but it was too new… I need to find a computer that is juuust right. So yeah, that is that. Last night was sort of fun. I spent a lot of time outside and I met a few new people. Some dude was being a complete prick to me for no reason and a bunch of people I don’t know got my back. One guy spit in his face and tried to fight him. That was nice. I was just trying to figure out what to do with my camera because of course if someone started a fight for me I would of course have to get his back. Fortunately perhaps the asshole left after he got spat on and all was right with the world again. Also, it came to my attention that I have been unfairly critical of Ruff Club in the past. So I would just like to say I am sorry to the promoters and djs of Ruff. You guys have a great party and just because I have had some shitty nights there does not mean the party sucks. My bad. Anyway, I uploaded the pictures to 476ad again. I only posted my favorites from the night, so if you don’t see yourself check back in a few days and I should have them up for real. If you DO see yourself, check back in a few days too because the images I post will be higher quality and will look so much better on your myspace page. Yup Yup.


Update: Here are the real photos.

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