Things Of Note, And A Gross Video…

So I am not sure where to begin. I have a few things to cover, and then a video of me sticking a large roofing nail into my skull. After reading my last post my friend Teddy suggested I tell more of the fucked up stories that happen to me seemingly every day. This girl at work said to me today “things are always happening to you”. She told me to write a book; fortunately I don’t have to; I have a blog. I think the reason my life is so insane is because at some point I decided that I had depression and I was never going to be happy and their was nothing I could do about it. Since that day, I have dedicated my life to the pursuit of interesting. I pretty much just live my life looking for a good story to tell. Case in point, on Saturday I was at Misshapes for about 30 seconds before getting invited to a small gathering on a rooftop. I was told I could invite some people. I invited everyone I could see in front of me. This was about 2 am. When I got to the rooftop I realized that 10 people on this roof would have been far to many. So when people started calling me to see what was up around 3:45 am I invited them all over anyway. I sort of just wanted to see what would happen if 40 people showed up to this two room apartment. Around 4:30 5 cabs full of people showed up at the apartment. At 4:45 I went to work. I am still not sure what happened with all the people. Now I am not sure what the point of this story is, but Teddy told me I should blog about it, so there it is.

I tend to lose track of my points when I ramble on for more than a few sentences so I apologize. On to other matters. I quit my job. I am not sure what I am going to do now, but I need to figure it out ASAP. Once again, if you know of anything, please let me know. Any photography jobs would be fantastic. I will shoot your party… or anything else.

Update on the Motherfucker pictures: The girls said they were on their way over here with the memory card. We will see what happens. They said all the pictures are still on the card.  Update on the update: I got the photos from them and we will have photos today, it just might be later tonight because I have some things (sleep) to do.  Check back around 10PM.

Lastly, the promised video. This video was shot in probably 2001 or 2002. My brother is in the background and he has short hair so it must have been a long time ago. I have long hair and the Baltimore Orioles hat I wore every day one summer. That was my hat from when I was a little kid. I think I look like an asshole in it. I am also fatter then. At this point in my life I was sort of obsessed with the sideshow and the circus and such. I read this sideshow message board every day until it shut down. At some point I realized there are only about 10 good sideshow tricks and once you see one sword swallowed you’ve seen them all. Anyway, this trick is called the Human Blockhead. I can still do it I think, although it would probably hurt a lot. I am very out of practice.


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Comments (1)


  1. September 4th, 2007 | 9:27 am

    good times! booze, booty shorts, and a tiny-ass roof = a party in my book. good luck finding a job. want to be my intern?


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