Some Site News

1. I am still sick.  I tried to go out last night and I had to leave early. That did not stop me from making out with two girls in line for the bathroom.  I took some okay pictures.

2. My old computer is completely fucked up.  I got my first Mac in 7 years, and while I am very excited about it, it does not have any programs on it yet.

3. This brings me to the issue of my broken Photoshop.  I currently am using 5.5 and today it stopped working.  This means I cannot add watermarks to photos.  That means I can’t put photos up.  I have a three galleries that need to go up before Monday.  Hopefully I am getting a Mac copy of CS today.

4. I got a lens that works with my flash, which shoots magical lasers out of it.  That means my photos will actually be in focus.  The High Voltage gallery that needs to go up next will be the first of these, and I think it is pretty noticeable how much better these are.

5. I had to miss two days of work because I am sick and I need money, so you should hire me to take photos of something.

Talk to you soon…

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