DBB Anniversary Party Part 1: Disco Down – 3.3.09

This is the pre-game. I finally put my intern to work and had him carry around bags full of shirts all night. We didn’t print any of the girls shirts yet (We will have some tonight!), and everything was a bit low key and still reasonably stressful. Since tonight at Cain I am hosting, shooting AND passing out shirts, I cannot imagine how stressed out I am going to be. Still, tonight is going to be insane. It’s the party Playhouse at Cain tonight. Just mention this site to get in free. It’s going to be nuts. Here is the Facebook invite for more info.  Also, anyone who wants on the list for the party at Webster Hall Friday, let me know.

Anyway, last night was super fun. I gave out a bunch of clothes and hopefully people will be rocking that shit tonight. I guess nothing of serious note happened, but on a positive note, I didn’t fall down a flight of stairs which is a 100% improvement from the last time I went out. And most importantly, shout out to Kill Shop Kill for providing these sick shirts.

Anyway check out the photos of my shirts in action!



before-there-was-blog-169.JPG before-there-was-blog-126.JPG



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Anniversary Parties!!

Okay, so this has gotten a bit out of hand.  I was thinking about doing something for the 8th anniversary, but now it has turned in to a week of me having to bust my ass over all sorts of things.  50 people ordered the shirt online and we are only making 100 free ones, so that means I only have 50 to give out this week… except I promised a lot of people tank tops and there are no tank tops so I am going to get the 100 free ones and give them out all week and then somehow get more, most likely out of my own pocket, and try to cover the people who ordered them.  This is not good.  On top of that I now have three parties to promote, two that I am officially hosting.  That means I need to bring a shit load of people out to the parties.  So here is how that is going to work:

Tuesday @ Disco Down @ Happy Endings:
This is sort of an opening night party, I am going to have about 20 shirts and  I am just going to see how the whole thing goes.  I will be there around 1 and we can see if my intern and I have our shit together.


Wednesdy @ Playhouse @ Cain:
This I have to get my shit together for.  I will be attempting to send out a mass text.  It failed last time.  Anyway for this party anyone can get in FREE you just have to mention DrivenByBoredom at the door.  If I bring out more than 20 people I get another bottle so come out and get DRUNK on free Vodka and I will be giving away a bunch more shirts. Also I know a lot of my friends haven’t been out to Cain  yet.  It’s super fun even though it is in the Meat Packing District.  It is on 27th between 10th and 11th Ave.  Come!


Friday @ Trash @ Webster Hall:
Trash has been my one consistant party over these last 2.5 years.  We have to do it up there.  I have a big guest list to fill, so email me if you want on that.  If you want to bring people, let me know about that too, but just don’t flake on me.  If you aren’t on my guest list, mention DrivenByBoredom for reduced admission.  We are going to be giving away shirts, I’ll probably have some free booze and we are going to be projecting my photos on the big TVs they have on stage downstairs.  Make sure you go to the side, Studio entrance for my list.


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Happy 8th Anniversary Driven By Boredom!


Today is the 8th Anniversary of Driven By Boredom. I know most of you had no idea that I was running this site as a college sophomore way back in 2001. Probably most of you didn’t know that I was old enough to be a sophomore in 2001, but the fact is, I did and I was. The site has changed a lot over the years and I have some exciting announcements.

1. I am starting a group blog. I often have ideas for ways that my friends can contribute to this site, but since no one realy has in the 8 years it has been running I decided not to start now. That is why I am starting a new blog staffed by friends of this site. It is going to have content from a variety of people. It is going to have people who contribute sporadically as well as a small staff of people posting several times a week. I am hesitant to give you any more details as the blog is still being designed. I never like announcing things ahead of time because a lot of times they never work out, but this is a project I have had in my head for a long time and it looks like it is finally coming together. If there is anyone out there who is looking to become a staff blogger for the new site, please contact me. For at least the short term this would be a completely unpaid position but there are some perks. Anyway, I will be posting another blog when the design is finished and I am ready to start gathering content.

2. Free DBB T-Shirts. As you can see below, modeled by Daniel Casanova AKA DJ RekLES, I have made Drivenbyboredom Tshirts. Thanks to Kill Shop Kill we have made 100 free shirts that I will be giving away all this week. We are giving away the shirts (plus some tank tops and tote bags) at three Drivenbyboredom Anniversary Parties this week: Tuesday at Disco Down at Happy Endings, Wednesday at Playhouse at Cain and on Friday at Trash downstairs at Webster Hall. If you do not live in the city, or can’t make it out for the next 24 hours 48 hours you can order a free shirt on this site by using the pay pal link below. Come Monday Tuesday morning I am shutting down the Pay Pal for this so you only have today and Monday to get a free shirt. They cost $5 each, but that is only to cover the shipping and Pay Pal costs. Essentially they are free. After today the shirts (assuming we print more) are going to be $15 or $20 each (I need to talk to KSK about this) so get your free one today. More information about the parties will be posted this week.

UPDATE: The free shirts are no longer available online.  Look for them this week at the parties mentioned above and the shirts should be available soon online and at the Kill Shop Kill store in Williamsburg.   

About the design: The shirt was designed by Nick The Duke of Cobra Kai based off the Chanel Liquidation by French graffiti artist ZEVS.



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