Trash – 5.2.08

It was my 10th Anniversary of Losing My Virginity fiesta.  When I got there there was like no one there and I was totally freaked out… but by 2am the place was PACKED.  A ton of my friends finally showed up and I had a blast.  My friend Vadim made a movie about the first time I had sex and if nothing else, it was FUCKED UP.  I was not far off when I described it as hard core porn over Benny Hill music.  It was nuts.  I may get it online soon, but it was so graphic I don’t know where I can host it.  The parts with me in it were inaudible which was disappointing, but what can you do?  There was a slide show of my best images from the last year.  That went over well I think.  Jess is getting me the DVD so maybe I can show it at other parties.  It was fun.  Also, Robert from brought me a video camera because he wants to turn DBB into a web show or something.  I took to interviewing people in the street.  We have this idea that maybe we can do like a night club confessional thing mixed with some shots of people partying.  We may need to get a better mic, but we shall see.

Also, note to party hosts.  Running around with your free vodka bottle and pouring it all over your friends is a way better use that just giving people free drinks.

I took photos when I wasn’t filming.  You can see them here.  There is a nipple slip near the end, so be careful at work!






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It’s Business Time…

My online-amiga Annaliese introduced me to one of her girls yesterday.  Her name is Gina and she is awesome and we hung out for the last 30 hours and took like 600 photos of her.  I also spent the last day working on my X-Mas Card and watching every episode of Flight Of The Conchords again.  So that’s why I am lite on updating.  I should have some crazy pictures from last night up tomorrow.  The rest of the photos probably won’t go up any time soon.  I will have better updates in the next couple of days… but give a man a break.  I can’t update three or four times a day EVERY day.  See you tomorrow.   Let the Conchords soothe your anger.

Oh. PS. Here is a photo of Lily Allen’s nipple slip. Oops!


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