Big Bang Love: Juvenile A

Yesterday I got to see Takashi Miike’s new film Big Bang Love. It was one of his more beautiful films. It was almost a love story between two murderers in prison, although they don’t express the love in any physical way. The film deals with one gay inmates struggle in prison and another inmate who protects him for seemingly no reason. The protector is murdered at the start of the film, with the gay inmate confessing. The rest of the movie is spent in flash backs with detectives trying to figure out what really happened. There are several unreal sequences when the characters discus freedom and death using rocket-ships and pyramids as metaphors. It was very surreal and probably the best of the films I have seen at the Asian Film Fest. This movie is playing again in a few days at the Japan Center and will probably get a wider release later this year. I highly recommend you checking it out.

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