Win Jimmy Edgar Release Party Tickets

So we got a slow day over here at Driven By Boredom and what better a time to give away some free stuff.  One of my friends is promoting Jimmy Edgar’s CD release party next Wednesday at Le Poisson Rouge and asked me if I wanted to give away some free tickets.  I figured why the hell not right? I get to go to all sorts of shit for free, you guys might as well get to go to some free stuff too. I mean, I am just that nice of a guy. The party also features sets from Cassette NYC and The Elder Jepson. Tickets are $10 but if you email me a note asking to be in the contest I will randomly pick someone to win two tickets. Should be fun.

Heres more info:

Jimmy Edgar is a Detroit-based electronic music artist, (formerly) signed to Warp Records and now on !K7. Influenced mostly by Jazz, funk, street beat and r&b in these early years, he began his musical pursuit by playing the drums in experimental bands and by making tape recordings. Most of these recordings, consisting mainly of pitch bended tape loops, cut edits, field recordings, and noise tracks, were the beginning of his experimentation with the technical aspects of production.

Previously, Jimmy has toured and played with Aphex Twin, Squarepusher, Chris Cunningham, Juan Atkins, Boys Noize, Jaime Lidell, and more.

We will also have free giveaways complimentary of KILL SHOP KILL!

Wednesday – September 8th
Le Poisson Rouge :: 158 Bleecker Street
$10 Advanced :: $12 At The Door
10PM-4AM :: 21+

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My 30th Birthday…

My 30th birthday is fucking Saturday and I am having a party tomorrow. I was going to do something big and awesome for it but then I ran out of time, and it’s on Memorial Day weekend so I knew everyone would be out of town and blah blah blah… So I decided to say fuck it and just do it at Trash again. I have had my last 3 birthday parties there, lets go for number 4. It’s not like I won’t turn 30 again…  Plus I got some old friends coming up on Saturday and I think we are just going to hang out and eat diner and calm stuff like that, so I might as well make Friday night the night for madness.

A few reasons you might want to show up:

1) If you have ever hung out with me, and you figured I was wasted… I wasn’t.  I am just insane. You should see me when I am drunk. It only happens twice a year and things always get crazy.  Be warned.

2) I will have a bottle of Vodka and drink tickets. You can have some of them.

3) There will be nudity.  My friends Arden and Anna are doing burlesque stuff there.  If you saw the photos Anna is the girl who came out once wearing only a meat bikini.  Things will get weird.

4) It’s free.  If you go to the Studio entrance to Webster Halll and mention either my birthday or this web site you will get in completely for free. Just make sure you go to the right door. The front door always has a line but the Studio wont. And it’s 19+ so maybe you don’t need a fake ID.

5) So you can bring me the amazing gifts you brought for me.

So right, the whole thing will be a magical experience for everyone involved. Also Hudson Mowhake and Does It Offend You, Yeah? are upstairs so you can check that shit out too…  So Ill see you tomorrow right?  Here is the Facebook invite and here is the flyer:

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DBB 9th Anniversary Party

 Hey kids! Driven By Boredom turned 9 years old on Monday and we are having a party! I am going to be hosting and I will have booze and there will be fun times and dancing magically. There will be a slide show of my images from the last few years projected on the stage.  There are 500 images so chances are you are in there somewhere. As you can see by the flyer it is at Webster Hall.  You can get in for free if you use the side Studio entrance and tell Brendon at the door that you are there for the Driven By Boredom party.  It will be a lot of fun.  I won’t be there until after midnight probably, so let’s do this up really late.  Come eat food with me after at 430 am.  So much diner filled fun. How can you miss this?


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Do Not Forget To Dance

This is officially your reminder.  Come to this show on Saturday. It is going to be a blast.  You can read why right here.

Remember: The Amazing Great Tiger + The Incredible Theodore Grimm + The Fantastic Teddy Blanks + The Stupendous Gang + The Above Average Sean Roberts = Dance Time Madness.

At Kingdom. 170 N. 4th Street between Driggs & Bedford.
Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

Here is the Facebook invite. Here is the flyer. Fuck Yeah.


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Let’s Dance

So I have mentioned it a million times on here before but I used to manage a band. I did it for 5 years.  And before that I ran a small record label and ran a punk zine.  I shot nothing but bands for the first 8 years of my photography career.  Music was my life.  I have been booking shows since I was 12 years old and booking my friends grunge cover band, Manly Stanley, at classmates birthday parties. That being said, although I have promoted some parties over the last few years, its been at least two years since I booked a legit show.  That drouth is over.

Saturday so many good things came together at once.  I had been trying to get Teddy Blanks the lead singer of that band I managed a show that my friends could come see for a while.  He has had lots of shows but they all cost money or were in some weird place.  I also had been trying to book everyone’s favorite Theodore Grimm a show because they are making me DBB buttons and I needed to return the favor.  On top of that one of my favorite bands, Gang from Philly was asking me about shows because they hadn’t been to NYC in ages. All of this came together and I realized that all three of these bands are super dancy and needed to play a show together.  I added another awesome dancy electronic band called Great Tiger who feature the guy who designed the DBB Productions graphic.  It was a solid bill.

Then I just needed a location.  I went to 200 Orchard first but the had to cancel the show two days after it was booked because the cops were cracking down on there cabaret license.  I posted a help call on my Twitter and the awesome Bob Bland responded.  Bob is a lady believe it or not and she designs a clothing line called Brooklyn Royalty and she was just opening a venue called Kingdom in Williamsburg on N. 4th and Bedford,  just 3 blocks from the Bedford L. The grand opening is tomorrow night actually for the Brooklyn Royalty fashion week party.  (Its free, you should go!)  Bob is looking for a way to introduce people to her place so we worked out a deal where some of the bands could get paid but we could still keep the show totally free.

The show is going to be great. Sean MF Roberts is DJing in between bands and after the show so you won’t stop moving all night long.  You can check out the Facebook invite here. You have to come, it will be awesome and I will be taking lots of photos. On top of that I will have new Driven By Boredom stickers I will be giving out and I will probably give out a few DBB Tshirts & Tote bags.  Don’t miss it!

Here are videos from each of the bands.  I will be posting the flyer on Friday.  I can’t fucking wait.





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Circa Tonight

I got back to NYC late last night and I have several thousand images to upload and probably 8 galleries or so to get up. It’s going to take me forever but I am about to start editing right after this post. Hopefully I can have most of the Vegas/LA stuff up by early next week. In the mean time I wanna tell you guys about tonight. My first party back is going to be Circa at Darkroom. I missed it last week when I was gone but I heard it was crazy. We are opening both sides of the bar this week.  Each week it has been better and better and this week it should be off the hook. I think I am gonna send out a mass text… Sorry…

But yeah, come get wild with me, Prince Terrence & Carol Sharks.  I am sure there will be a guest DJ and there is an open Vodka Bar from 11-12. Get on that shit. Party forever.

And I’ll be back tonight with the first of many galleries from my visit West.


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xXx-mas Photobooth

Tomorrow at Webster I am doing some sort of sexy photo booth with burlesque performer Legs Malone dressed up as Santa Claus. Come get your picture taken sitting on Santa’s lap.  And don’t worry, for the ladies (and the gays, don’t think we forgot the gays…) we have Fat Shain dressed as some sort of sexy elf.  So you can get some super weird X-Mas card to send out to your friends that will rival my X-mas card from 2007.  It should be a fun party and no matter what the photo booth should be super weird. Plus Mark Ronson will be upstairs, and everybody loves relatively talented pretty rich people with famous parents… So come on out!

Mention Driven By Boredom at the Studio door for reduced admission.


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Circa Tonight!

I am shooting the new Thursday night party at Darkroom tonight. Last week was crazy and I was only there for thirty minutes.  Hopefully tonight will be even crazier and I will actually get to document the whole thing. Come out tonight. It is free and there is an open bar.  Let’s make this party crazy. Anyone remember how fun Mondays at Darkroom used to be? We need that back and I need a regular Thursday night party. Let’s kill it.

Prince Terrence, Carol Sharks and me.  What more do you need? Click here for the Facebook invite.


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Disco Vibes On Friday

There is a new party at Hugs on Friday that I am shooting. It is a Disco House party thrown by DJ DLNGR & K!O. Our boy VDRK is guest DJing. One of the cuter girls I know who is an adult and still dyes her hair funny colors, Eden Thrillz, is hosting this madness.  And I am going to assume Holly Wood is Eden’s BFF Holly who has one of the most epic asses this side of the Bronx. There is an open Keg of all crazy things starting at 11 and Kill Shop Kill Dance is giving away free shit.  I know they are debuting two new T-Shirt Designs tonight and they are pretty great.  You will just have to show up to see them though.  Also, as payment for my photoging, I am getting a bunch of Driven By Boredom tote bags, so those will be for sale soon.  Get excited.

Oh yeah? Did I mention it’s free?


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