All My Cameras

Despite how short this update seems, it actually took me over an  hour, not including finding, organizing, photographing and then cleaning up the cameras.  When you click the photo, it will take you to my Flickr account and there you can mouse over all of my cameras and lenses and flashes and find out a little about all of them.  For example my Nikon N80:

This was the first real camera of my own.  I got a job at a camera store so I could pay for it.  My thinking was that I would get a discount.  My discount was %5 which barely covered sales tax.

See? It is lovely.  Click to continue.


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Grits Wrestling

You may have noticed I have not posted many photos recently. I took a break last week and this week I have gone out, but haven’t shot a lot. This is due to the fact that my camera is fucked, and using my old one is too hard of a step backwards, it feels really uncomfortable. I also have been trying to go home earlier and get a bit more sleep so I don’t get so worn out. I am taking an actual vacation next week. I am going to leave town and not do anything. No photos, no website, no work, nothing. It will only be for four days but I am going fishing and it is going to fucking rule. Hopefully when I get back from that I will be in full force again. In the mean time, I will still be shooting. I am going to Philly for some insane porn thing tomorrow so expect to see photos from that Sunday.

Anyway, the point is, to hold you over, I am looking for some original content. I found this old video I shot of some grits wrestling. Every year at the Meridian Coffeehouse in Williamsburg, VA (Not Brooklyn) they hold Grits Wrestling. At least they did when my friends went to school there. It has been years since I have been there or seen any of these people. I think this was shot in 2004 or something. Maybe 2003. The teams are my friends Judge and Nathan aka Team Slayer against team Stairway To Freebird featuring Maria and some girl who’s name I don’t know. It is a pretty exciting match and you can see Maria’s ass a lot, but it is mostly safe for work. Enjoy?


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