The Wild Ones – 1.28.11

Oh snap! We finally have some new legit party photos. It’s been a while.  You know why? Because I fucking hate shooting party photos these days.  It makes my soul hurt to shoot the same pictures of the same people doing the same things day after fucking day.  I need some new events people and you guys need to start throwing them. Let’s think outside the box here people and let’s get the fuck on to summer where we can have some fantastic pool parties and roof top parties and I can start enjoying taking pictures of you pretty bastards again.  Until then I am not taking anymore party pictures unless someone is paying me to do so.

Luckily working for the Villlage Voice I have to send them some party pictures once in a while so it makes me get the fuck out of my house. Last Friday I was trying to go to some underground boxing shit in a mall in Chinatown but it was completely sold out when we got there. I didn’t really know what to do but I was at White Noise on Thursday and I had a really good time and I knew that Michael T and Sam Valentine do a Friday night party there so I figured I should check it out.  My favorite bartender on earth Kate happened to be working and my boy Mikey from Just Friends was bar backing and two people with DBB tattoos were there so I decided that I should start shooting some photos.

My friend Arden was go-going as was another girl who asked me not to post her pictures because her mom was a Sunday school teacher.  A third girl was just partying in her underwear which seemed awesome.  This cute girl with a Black Flag tattoo was having her birthday as was another girl so everyone was just clearly down to party. The whole thing was just a lot of fun and for a moment it made me forget about how much I hate taking party photos. I almost enjoyed myself.  Eventually I came to my senses and realized I had enough photos for a gallery and went home to watch like 5 hours of season 3 of Skins. Plus on the way home I saw a really good street fight outside of a McDonald’s that made up for my missing the underground boxing.  It was a good night. Let’s just hope the Village Voice runs these pictures so I don’t have to go out again for a few days…

Click here to see all the pictures from The Wild Ones at White Noise.

Samuel Valentine & Michael T

Loko Suicidal

I Don't Know Whats Going On Here But I Am Really Into It

Driven By Boredom Tattoo

Arden Leigh

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