Street Boners Book Release Party – 5.27.10

Update: Gavin McInnes is now the leader of a violent sexist racist organization called the Proud Boys. It probably should have been clear to me in 2010 that he was a garbage human but he really represented to me the Vice that I loved growing up and the shift away from “fun Vice” to “corporate Vice” is something that even today in 2018 bums me out. I am sure in retrospect a bunch of the stuff I loved as a 20 year old is probably pretty shitty and the move towards a more progressive society is exactly the kinda thing Proud Boys and MAGA hats are fighting against. There is a part of me that understands their “the world is too PC!” rage, but that part of me sucks. Being PC is just not being shitty to other people for no fucking reason and there is no part of me that thinks that the answer to an overly PC world is to become violent trolls is a good idea. Fuck Gavin and the Proud Boys, but if you still want to you can read about this party that got shut down by the cops two days before I turned 30. 

After a lovely three day weekend that involved me getting cripplingly drunk and celebrating my 30th birthday we return to this site with renewed vigor.  I have a ton of photos to go up today and tomorrow and there will be a ton of content in general this week because I am working on supplying a backlog of party pictures for a new party photo website that hopefully will not destroy my brand in spectacular fashion.  Either way it is going to pay for the two week vacation I am going on in July so either way… fuck it.

So let’s start this week off with the Street Boners book release party at Party Expo.  If you don’t know about Street Carnage, and in turn know about Street Boners and TV Carnage you need to check yourself.  Street Carnage is a combination of TV Carnage, Street Boners and just a relatively amusing blog.  TV Carnage is a collection of crazy commercials and weird programs taped off of TV in the 80’s and turned into fantastic arts for your viewing pleasures. My friends and I used to watch the DVDs all the time back in the day. They were epic. But none of that is relevant to today’s post.

Today we are talking about Street Boners.  Street Boners are what Gavin McInnes did when he left Vice and couldn’t do Dos and Don’ts anymore. They are pretty much Dos and Don’ts only slightly different somehow.  He rates them out of kitty heads.  He put out his first Street Boners book full of jokes at oddly dressed hipsters expenses.  Pretty much everyone in this book you have seen on my site at some point.  Fucking Jah from Ninjasonik is on the damn cover.

So the party was at this warehouse in Brooklyn called Party Expo.  I have been there a few times and it always gets shut down by the cops. Thursday night was no exception.  10 minutes into the first band (the reasonably awesome Wyldlife) the cops shut the place down and we had to have a party on the J train headed back towards the city.  Luckily before the cops shut it down I got to watch Gavin do live Street Boners which was hilarious.  I have been a fan of Vice for nearly a decade and the consistently best thing in there was Gavin’s Dos and Don’ts.  I am one of the main Dos & Don’ts photographers for Vice now, but I am pretty sure they are never quite as funny as some of the old ones… Gavin actually once suggested I start sending him Street Boners, but never did because I didn’t wanna piss anyone off at Vice (or in Gavin’s words his “abortion”).

The funniest part of the night though had to be when I overheard some kids asking what the hell was going on with Gavin doing his thing… One of the kids replied “it’s some sort of Look At This Fucking  Hipster thing…” These damn kids today!

Anyway, the party was fun while it lasted and I got some decent shots of some kids just dying to become future Street Boners, Dos & Don’ts or Fucking Hipsters… You can look at them all by clicking here.

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  1. June 2nd, 2010 | 10:01 am

    […] Originally from here […]

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