Brendan Sullivan’s Garden Party – 3.19.10

My friend and Vice co-conspirator Brendan Sullivan (aka DJ VH1) wrote an article on Lady Gaga that was part of Esquire’s Women We Love issue. It’s his biggest credit to date so he decided to throw a fancy garden party at his Ft. Greene apartment.  He lives in a pretty amazing brownstone right near BAM and it has a nice back yard perfect for a soiree such as this. He did it up with Trash’s Brendon James running the door and getting bartender reality show contestant Trevor Schneider to serve the drinks (and catch popcorn in his mouth) and of course he hired the infamous Igor from Driven By Boredom to take photos.  Then again I left before he paid me and he forgot and left the money he owed me in the tux he somehow borrowed from Dolce & Gabbana. Evidently the “head of celebrity dressing” was not super happy that he got drunk and halfway destroyed the suit, but I am sure she was happy with the tip he accidentally left in the pocket.

I had a lot of fun at the party.  A ton of my friends were there and it was great to talk to them in an environment without loud dance music playing.  There was good food, free booze an adorable puppy that knows how to pose for pictures. Some of the guys from the sketch comedy troop Olde English were there and it was cool to talk to them because I reviewed their website for a magazine in 2004. They are currently working on feature length movie.  I also met a super rad barista/comedian who I ended up talking to for half the night, although when I asked to see her again she told me she “was around”. Great.

Anyway, I am super proud of Brendan and he and I are working on a new story for Vice so hopefully any successes he has will somehow benefit me, because really, isn’t that the only reason to have friends?

Click here to see the pictures from the evening.

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