Playhouse – 2.25.09

 Due to my growing addiction to the internet and an inopportune stop by the police I was really late for Playhouse at Cain last night.  I was already running a bit late, when I drove up 3rd Avenue like a maniac swerving in and out of cars like I was in the Kentucky Derby (if the Kentucky Derby involved cars).  Suddenly I look behind me and there is a cab with police lights pulling me over.  Taxi cops!  I didn’t get a cash cab, or a taxi cab confession, I got two cops shining their flashlights on me asking me if I had any weapons, like bats or knives inside my car.  After a holding me there for a while, they came back all nice and told me to get my break light fixed.  Woops.

Anyway, the party was fun even though I was late.  I made up for it and basically closed the bar down.   There were a bunch of cute 18 year old girls all making out with each other which makes for generally cheesy photos, but was pretty fun.  And you know, maybe some other people got in on the action… other people that happen to run this website… Seriously though, it’s okay.  I can make out with a bunch of girls 10 years younger than me because it is SPRING BREAK 2000!!!  Wooo!! What happens at Playhouse stays at Playhouse… unless I blog about it.  Fuck.

There are photos here.






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