Joker’s Wild

So I haven’t taken any photos in two days mostly because we are in the midst of this CMJ into Halloween thing and I am not sleeping and I am getting sick.  That being said I did go out tonight.  I saw Nick and Nora which was just insane because every single location in the film I have been in.  I spent almost the entire movie just looking for my stickers (I think I saw two, I need to get the DVD).  I then went to see some comedy and saw Eugene Mirman and Jessi Klein.  I talked to her for like 30 minutes about the election.  That was good.  After an earlier conversation today with my college roommate who told me he was “undecided” it was good to talk to someone as obsessed with this election as I am.  She’s also really cute.  I then stopped into Annex for Joey Nova’s 40th birthday which was sort of insane.  (The fact that he is 40, not the party.)  Then I went to AK for my friend Nessa’s birthday.  The Real World cast was there again.  I didn’t take any photos this time but I did talk to Chet for a bit about his media drama and it was suggested to me that one of the most attractive females on the cast is actually a transvestite.  Then it was on to Happy Endings for a few minutes and then home.  Anyway, none of that is very exciting, but was mildly exciting was the super villain the Joker beating up a homeless man… or something to that effect.

Between Annex and AK I was walking up Ave A when I see a skinny guy with his face made up to look like the Joker.  He was yelling at what appeared to be a homeless man to give back his money.  I thought this man might have mugged the Joker, but it did not seem to be very successful.   As I walked by someone pushed someone and then the Joker took off his jacket and put up his dukes like he was a boxer from the 1880’s.  The homeless man did the same and they started swinging wildly at each other.  No one came near connecting.  I really thought the homeless guy was going to beat this dude silly, but it appeared as if neither was going to do any damage.  After a few more wild misses the Joker tackled the other guy into a fire hydrant and began punching haphazardly at the man’s face screaming “GIVE ME BACK MY MONEY!” After about 10 punches to the face the man on the ground started saying “I’ll give it back! Stop! Stop!”  The Joker let him up for a second only to flip him over and start punching him in the back of the head.  After I realized he was not going to stop I started to walk towards them to break it up when he let the guy up.  The guy was pretty dazed, but considering he took about 30 punches to the head he doing pretty good.  He started to take money out of his pocket which totaled two dollars.  Then he kept apologizing and, get this, they actually hugged.  The 70 year old toothless crackhead who was watching the fight with me came up to me and said “Can you believe all that was for two dollars!” And started cackling mightily.  I laughed with him for a minute and made my way up the street.  As for my best guess to what happened, the Joker had a girl with him who he said was his wife at some point during all this.  I think he may have given the guy two bucks, and then the guy said something about his wife, he demanded the money back and it was on… but that is pure speculation.  I have no real idea what happened, but it was fucking amazing.

I wish I had my video camera, because I would have been able to post some crazy ass Bum Fights style shit, instead of this video…


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