The Rest Of The 2024 Gathering Of The Juggalos

Okay kids, we did it. We have reached our final update of the 2024 Gathering of the Juggalos. Well, technically I did do a photoshoot with a certain juggalette that will eventually be posted, but I wanna get some other stuff up on here first before I return to that. Gotta spread out the content a little bit right? 

So let’s go through everything we posted already just for a recap and handy links for you guys

I also shot photos for Brooklyn Vegan this year. This coverage is just highlights from everything I posted here, but there are a few slightly different edits and there’s some NSFW stuff that wasn’t paywalled so if you want a preview of what’s behind the curtain, the Brooklyn Vegan post is a good place to look.  

So what do I have left for you guys? Well it’s mostly just shit that didn’t fit into the other galleries. It’s only about 50 photos of the 800 I pulled from the 4000 I shot, but we got some fun stuff. We have crowd shots, random environment shots, people playing that carnival game where you try and climb a ladder and then fall off because it’s hard to keep your center of gravity in the same place while moving up a ladder. We have three whole shots from the Freakshow Deluxe sideshow thing. There are a few more in the misc NSFW gallery as well, but I didn’t shoot a ton of it because I got there late and I have photographed a lot of side show performances in my life. I can even do a few sideshow tricks myself, and by tricks I mean I can take your reading glasses and shove them into my brain which is just a bad time for everyone involved. 

Honestly half this gallery is the piñata event that takes place every year. It’s not officially part of the Gathering but this dude named Poncho walks around collecting stuff from juggalos for a piñata and then on the last day people break it open and everyone scurries like rats to get the prizes inside. I have seen some crazy stuff put in there from stickers to drugs to sex toys to cash, so it’s really fun to watch people swarm to get their treasures. This year the piñata was way too hard to break open so eventually everyone just gave up and ripped it apart by hand.

Okay, and that’s a wrap on 2024. I keep telling myself this is my last year, but next year is the 25th anniversary and I can’t miss that right? Oh no. One of these days I gotta get my juggalo book finished and maybe I can finally retire then, but I am sure I will see you all next time. Whoop Whoop.

Click here to see the rest of the photos from the 2024 Gathering of the Juggalos in Thornville, OH.

The Gathering Of The Juggalos Piñata

Then They Starts With The Hugging Again...

The Gathering Of The Juggalos

Juggalo Honeymoon


The Gathering Of The Juggalos

The Gathering Of The Juggaros


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