Taurus Angel

Hey this is Taurus. I met her on the Internets ages ago when she was a Burning Angel. That link is very NSFW but it used to give me money if you signed up via the link but I have no idea if it works anymore. I still get random affiliate checks from different adult sites I used to plug when I posted about their girls back in the day but it’s like $25 every 6 months so I never bother looking into where that money is coming from. Anyway, none of that matters. What was I talking about? Oh right. Taurus. 

We became friends on the Internet and then we finally met in real life in Vegas at the AVN week and I took some photos of her with our mutual friend in a parking garage. I was supposed to do a real shoot with her on a road trip when I went to Seattle but she had to cancel at the last minute and it wasn’t until AVN 2017 that we finally took some photos. These are the oldest photos I haven’t posted except for one set that is so old I may never post it and then some stuff I shot at the Gathering of the Juggalos that I am gonna save to promote my juggalo book with whenever that comes out. None of this is important but I didn’t post them because this terrible hotel art that’s in the background makes these photos look fucking cheesey as hell, but at least Taurus is hot so fuck it here they are. 

They have been on Girls of DBB for a minute in HD and there’s some bonus shots on there so like sign up for that already because I am broke as fuck right now and am in one of those fun depression periods where I am too unmotivated to actually figure out how to get some more work so I can pay off my increasing credit card debt. Party forever.

Now click here to see a bunch of NSFW photos of Taurus Angel in Vegas and may God have mercy on your soul.

Taurus Angel

Taurus Angel

Taurus Angel


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