
Many years ago I pretty much fell in love with this babe on the via the internet named Chelsea. She was friends with a bunch of tattooed naked babes I knew and kept showing up everywhere. Remember when MySpace was a thing? Anyway, for some reason she was a fan of my photos and we became friends in real life and she actually ended up getting my logo tattooed on her leg.

Fast forward 8 years later Chelsea has become a badass naked babe photographer and has been telling me that entire time that she’s gonna get her DBB tattoo covered up (she still hasn’t!). Chelsea is also a wonderful human so when we were hanging out together at Art Basel in Miami last winter she told me I could take some sexy photos of her. She thought being on the other side of the camera would make her photography better and who am I to argue.

Not only did I get to take somesexy photos of her but I also had probably the best meal of my life with her at Versailles after the shoot. It was seriously epic. Very great day.

Now since Chelsea is a photographer and she was fairly picky about the photos I could use and most of the stuff we shot was in her underwear or just implied nude, but there are some really sexy ones in there and she even let me throw a few properly naked ones up on Girls of Driven By Boredom because she is a wonderful human.

In conclusion, Chelsea is really hot and a great photographer, Versailles in Miami is the best food ever and you need to sign up for Girls of DBB now.

Oh and then click this link here to look at some really hot photos of Chelsea.







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