New Noys

Hi kids. I am out in LA hanging out with my brother who turns 30 this month. I am pretty much just vacationing and eating food and not working too much (although I did shoot Alysha Nett again today). I wanted to get SOMETHING up for you guys and I just happened to have some photos ready to go from when I was in Austin for SXSW.

One of my really good friends Mike lives in Austin and he told me he would drive me to the airport if I took some photos of his band New Noys. I kinda hate shooting band portraits but I really like his band and he had some really dumb/hilarious ideas for the shoot so I was down. We shot in this warehouse that he works out of he shocked the shit out of himself with a Telsa Coil that was just hanging out and he shot off a fire extinguisher and had a crazy old man throw confetti on his band. It was a quick, weird photo shoot but I had fun and got some funny photos. The one with the confetti is pretty much the greatest band photo of all time. That old guy looks like a Scooby Doo villain. Amazing.

New Noys just recorded three songs so go listen to them right now. They are seriously awesome.

Now click here and see all the other photos I took of New Noys!

New Noys

New Noys

New Noys

New Noys

New Noys

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