137th Kentucky Derby – 5.7.11

A week ago going to the 137th Kentucky Derby was not even a thought in my mind but 20 hours after a midnight conversation with Prince Terrence I was on the road to Louisville, KY with our sites set on the Kentucky Derby.  The night before Terry and Dances With White Girls played a show at a spot called Headliners we hit a few after parties and ended up getting home after 7am. A few hours later we were headed to Churchill Downs. Between the three of us and their girlfriends we probably got less than 8 hours of sleep.

The Derby is a very strange scene. Its a perfect mix of all the worst people in the world.  You have really shitty poor people mixing with really shitty rich people.  You were just as likely to see a shirtless redneck in jean cutoffs as you were to see some rich asshole in an outfit that costs more than my camera. It was a pretty amazing horror show. I had a lot of fun.

We had the super cheap infield seats which means that we got to experience the drunken madness without actually ever seeing a horse. When the actual race was happening I was too busy photographing an extremely drunk woman putting her boobs in a dwarfs mouth (NSFW).  I ended up losing $40 on the race and no one in my group won either.  I don’t think any of us really cared. It was just a weird experience and as a group we probably dropped over $100 on Mint Juleps. Good times.

Oh, before we get to the pictures I should mention the highlight for me.  Really drunk assholes get super drunk and try to run across the port-a-potties and other drunk assholes throw beer cans at them trying to knock them off. Several people fell off after getting hit in the face.  One guy jumped off the potties right in front of us and was tackled by a half dozen cops. It was amazing.

Click here to see all my pictures from the 137th Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs in Louisville, KY.

137th Kentucky Derby

137th Kentucky Derby

137th Kentucky Derby

137th Kentucky Derby

137th Kentucky Derby

137th Kentucky Derby

137th Kentucky Derby

137th Kentucky Derby

137th Kentucky Derby

137th Kentucky Derby

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Comments (4)


  1. Anonymous
    May 9th, 2011 | 10:18 pm

    It’s Louisville, Kentucky.

  2. May 9th, 2011 | 10:50 pm

    Thanks for the catch. Thats what I get updating in a car full of drunk people after driving 6 hours…

  3. Anonymous
    May 10th, 2011 | 3:02 pm

    I’m disappointed in this hackneyed outlook on the Derby. I clicked on your blog hoping to read and see some interesting coverage of my hometown’s event. Instead you chose to focus on the same elements that permeate reality TV, generating no unique thoughts or photos. Perhaps you can try again next year.

  4. May 10th, 2011 | 3:22 pm

    Hey Anon,
    If it makes you feel any better I have no plans of returning to Kentucky any time soon…

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