All I Want For X-Mas Is More Football

I have excellent news for you guys… The Miami Dolphins lost to the fucking Buffalo Bills last Sunday which means they are officially out of the playoffs.  This means that you only have to put up with one more update about the Dolphins this year since I am going to be out of town for the game this week. They only have one game after this weekend and I am not even sure I will take photos since it will probably be a disaster so this might be the last time you have to deal with hearing about football from me for months. Rejoice.

I do have to talk about our event last week though.  Dolfans NYC threw one last blow out to end the season with the help of Buffalo Trace Bourbon. They provided 300 free wings and a lot of free shots of bourbon and discount drinks at the bar. We did a raffle and accepted donations and in the end we raised another $250. The club this year donated $1200 to charity and raised money to do a big tailgate event at the Jets game, get t-shirts printed and really make this club into something awesome.  I was really proud of what we did this year.

Anyway, check out the pictures from Third & Long if you want. They are all pretty shitty since I shot them on my little digital point and shoot, but the kids at the bar like them.  And then most importantly have an excellent Christmas even if you don’t celebrate it, (I hear Christmas Chinese food is fantastic) and I will see you guys back here tomorrow with my epic Christmas Day Christmas card outtakes update.  If you haven’t seen my card yet, you do not want to miss tomorrows post.

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