Sway Smiths Sunday – 5.16.10

It has probably been over a year since I have been to the Smiths/Morrissey party at Sway and it has been almost exactly three years since I last shot it. It happens every Monday and everyone goes and everyone loves it so much.  The problem for me is that Sway is so damn hard to get to. It is so far west and not really near any trains, and the trains it is near don’t come anywhere near me. It is the same reason I never go to Don Hill’s. I just don’t want to spend the money on a cab unless I am either close to it already, or getting paid.  I get paid to shoot it sometimes on Mondays and I always make sure cab fare is added on top of my payment.

Anyway, despite all this, and my hatred for Morrissey, it is still a really fun party and tons of my friends were there.  I went to see a girl I am kinda crushing on and I wasn’t planning on shooting they party, but I had a lot of fun and so my camera came out. It is DJ Fancy’s fault really. I had to show him that my new camera pouch is made by a company called Fancy, and so I had to take a picture of him and then it was on.  The night ended at like 5 am after I spent an hour with about 20 people sitting on the curb hanging out outside the club. I then got into a cab on the way to an after party but it drove right past my apartment so I jumped out and  made a run for it at the light.

All and all it was a fun time, and nearly NSFW but the girl with the boobs decided they were best not on the internet.  Fair enough, and besides it gave me a chance to put a hilarious lens flare on her boob.

If you wanna see a bunch of fun time photos from Sway on Sunday, click here…

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