Happy Endings – 4.28.09

I made it out last night for the first time since getting over Swine Flu.  My voice is all fucked up though so it was impossible to talk in the club so people kept asking me what was wrong.  I just kept nodding at everyone.  I still have a bit of a cough and some guy on the subway got up and nearly ran away from me.  My mom even called me to make sure I went to the doctor in case I had Swine Flu.  This panic is so ridiculous.  There are 8 million people in NYC.  How many of them have Swine Flu exactly?  So stop asking if I have it every time I cough.  It’s not funny any more. What an annoying time to be sick…

Anyway, my kids Trash Yourself did 2 songs last night. It was a little odd cause they don’t ever do shows there and I think people were confused as hell to what was going on.  The system there was not set up for it so the vocals were way too low, but over all I think it went over pretty well.  Luckily, you have one more chance to see them tonight at Cain. Come early.

These pictures are mostly uninspired cause it was so damn nice out I spent more time relaxing in the pre-rain breeze than I did taking photos, but there are some really great shots of a cake fight.  I am not sure who’s birthday it was, but she got fully frosted.  Remind me to never have a birthday when the Glitter Kids are around.

Check out the photos here.







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Comments (4)


  1. dannny
    April 30th, 2009 | 3:51 am

    that cake fight was so funny


  2. A
    April 30th, 2009 | 7:55 am

    do you have Swine Flu?


    You’re annoying!

  3. April 30th, 2009 | 3:58 pm


  4. dannny
    April 30th, 2009 | 7:35 pm

    swine flu is annoying

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