Playhouse – 3.25.09

Let’s take a little break from the SXSW coverage.  I gotta get up the shots from Cain somewhere…

I have to say when I got to Playhouse I didn’t really feel like shooting.  I had just returned home from Texas and after shooting nearly 6000 photos in 5 days I was not looking forward to bringing my camera.  Luckily my camera agreed with me.  After I took about 150 shots my flash decided to die on me.  I didn’t charge my batteries because I had not yet unpacked. They were charged in Texas, but clearly the 2 days uncharged did them in.  I had two sets but the second set was completely dead.  I spent some time shooting with just the on camera flash, so you will notice a difference towards the end of the gallery.  But the whole thing gave me the chance to do something I don’t normally do… hang out.  I actually got to talk to some people and I had a ton of fun.  I even got this cute girls number.  She put her number in my phone as “The cute blonde girl you met at Cain so don’t forget”.  I thought that was kinda brilliant.  Everything dance party oriented is a bit slow during WMC, but Cain was still jumping despite the lower than average turn out.  It doesn’t beat being in Miami for the fest, but Playhouse was fun as hell on Wednesday. Plus despite not shooting as much as normal I still got some great shots.  Check out the photos right here.





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