High Voltage W/ Spank Rock & Amanda Blank – 10.22.08

Spank Rock and Amanda Blank showed up at High Voltage with XXXChange, Pase Rock, Eli Escobar and a host of people who fucked shit up at Annex all night.  High Voltage needs to have a big event like that once a month some how.  It was sort of a blast.  As I mentioned before I have a huge crush on Amanda Blank and seeing her destroy it house party style only added to that.  It was pretty much just chaos and   hula hoops all night.  Sorry it took so long to get these up.  I’ve been massively busy with CMJ.  Well, sort of, I really haven’t done a god damned thing in two days, but a man has to sleep some time.  Anyway, check out the photos.  Hot shit.






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