Happy Memorial Day

For those who are wondering where the Trash Vs. Rated X Vs. Salvation Vs. Glamdammit photos are… or where the Zombie Sideshow party photos are I was shooting for the VillageVoice.com yesterday and I am waiting until they publish the galleries to put up my photos.  But I will let you know about that as soon as they are up.  There are a lot of extremely great, and extremely fucked up photos so get excited.

In the mean time, in celebration of this wondrous holiday here is one of the most awkward uncomfortable watch videos I have ever seen on YouTube.  I am pretty sure the troops would not want this wacky girls support, but they have it anyway.

Send the troops home, and this strange woman to Iraq.

Ps.  It is my birthday on Thursday and I am doing several things for it which you will be made aware of in the coming days, but FIRDAY at TRASH at 40C I will be getting drunk for the first time since New Years and it is sure to be a scene.  So mark it on your calendars now.

Now… Crank that awkward Asian woman…


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