Six Six Sick – 11.27.07

Speaking of birthdays, it was Nick The Duke from Cobra Kai’s birthday last night. His party is tonight at 205 and I will be there taking photos. Anyway, I went to Happy Endings just so I could video tape Marika doing the Gettysburg Address for some reason. But there was not enough light and it sort of turned into a mess so we are going to do it again at some point. I need a video camera with a light on it. Anyway, I met this girl a month ago or something, and last night I invited her to the party. When I met her we got along real well and she was so pretty any everything, but then I didn’t see her for a month. She came out to the party with like five friends including a girl I had to get in because she didn’t have an ID or whatever. I tried to take a picture of the girl who had no ID and she flipped out. She would not accept the idea that I didn’t want to take a photo of her that much, so she spent like five minutes talking to me with her hand over her face. Why the hell would I want to take a photo of a girl who doesn’t want her photo taken. I don’t do this to piss anyone off. It was out of control. So the girl I dug mostly just talked to her friends and we didn’t have a lot of time to talk. I did talk to two of her guy friends who seemed like very cool guys. While I was talking to them the girl with No ID and the girl I like started hugging and looking really cute so I took a picture without thinking about her not wanting her photo taken. I remembered at once and immediately deleted her photos. I told her they were gone but she proceeded to try to break my camera and she hit me in the face a bunch of times including a punch that knocked out the ball to my lip ring. I have lost a bunch of balls in my life, and this was the best one I ever had, and now it is gone. Augh. The bouncers wanted to kick her out, but everyone else with her was cool and I didn’t want them to have to leave because their friend is a psychopath, but the whole thing put me in a really bad mood so I just went home. Photos go here.




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